Comments from MisterMovie593

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MisterMovie593 commented about Feeley Theatre on Feb 19, 2015 at 8:04 pm

Hello. I am doing research on the career of Bela “Dracula” Lugosi. I read elsewhere that Lugosi once appeared on the stage of the Feeley in Hazleton in a vaudeville act. If anyone has any information regarding this appearance, please contact me at with whatever information you may have. I appreciate any responses!

MisterMovie593 commented about Capitol Theatre on Feb 19, 2015 at 8:03 pm

Hello. I am doing research on the career of Bela “Dracula” Lugosi. I read elsewhere that Lugosi once appeared on the stage of the Capitol in Scranton in a vaudeville act. If anyone has any information regarding this appearance, please contact me at with whatever information you may have. I appreciate any responses!

MisterMovie593 commented about Norva Theatre on Sep 8, 2014 at 5:51 pm

Looking for help from anyone that may have information on the following. On March 20, 1951, the actor Bela Lugosi, of Dracula movie fame, presented his “Horror and Magic Stage Show” in person at the Norva Theatre. I have all the newspaper advertisements and publicity stories from the local papers for this. However, I am posting here on the off chance that someone still alive may have actually gone to the show and could contact me with their memories of it. Or possibly someone may be in possession of an original ticket or poster that they might give me permission to scan. In any event, anyone having any additional information on this could contact me at I would really appreciate it and thanks in advance!

MisterMovie593 commented about Historic Vista Theater on Sep 8, 2014 at 5:42 pm

To Tordini: Do you have specific information on the live show that Lugosi did at the Vista in Negaunee. I believe the scheduled date was December 8, 1947 but my sources indicate he abandoned the live shows in the Midwest to return to New York a few days prior to the Negaunee scheduled date. Do you have information that would contradict what I have? If so, please post here or contact me at Thanks!

MisterMovie593 commented about RKO Bushwick Theatre on Sep 8, 2014 at 5:37 pm

To John Dereszewski, sorry for my delayed comment. Lugosi was not himself a magician. He had a magician accompany him on these “spook shows”. Generally Lugosi would do three or so separate Dracula scenes with the magic done in between those scenes. On occasion he would help with some of the tricks and sometimes participated in the blackout portion of the show. One of his old Monogram films from the Forties usually was the film on the bill.