Comments from MissRandi

Showing 6 comments

MissRandi commented about Opera House Cinema on Sep 25, 2008 at 3:44 pm

I remember going to see Superman 3 at this theatre back in 1983.

MissRandi commented about Palace Theatre on Jul 15, 2008 at 4:05 pm

I was in Luverne back in 1987 or 1988 and the theatre portion was closed off and the lobby acted as a video store. I must say though that I can’t remember if it was indeed this theatre but I do know it was in Luverne, Minnesota.

MissRandi commented about Haltom Theatre on Oct 8, 2005 at 12:41 pm

I used to frequent this place in 1989 as it was a video rental store. I moved away and went back in 1993 only to see it closed. I knew it had been a movie theater once and I was friendly with the staff so I’m wondering why I never asked to walk around the theater part.

MissRandi commented about Ridglea Theater on Oct 8, 2005 at 10:00 am

I saw a lot of movies here but I remember only a few. I recall seeing Superman back in 1978. My elementary school had a field trip to the Ridglea to see the movie Scrooge which was probably a re-release in late 70s/early 80s. My complaint was that the teachers wouldn’t allow us to buy any refreshments. I can’t sit in a movie without eating & drinking so I was miserable. I was even more distraught when I turned around to see the meanest teacher eating M&Ms.

I did go to the Ridglea in 1992 after one of their first renovations to see Casablanca. They had a ‘baby room’ so mothers could take their crying baby into a soundproof room and still watch the movie. I didn’t go back to the theater again as it had changed to an art house, a restaurant/movie theater and now a concert place.

MissRandi commented about Bowie Theatre on Oct 8, 2005 at 9:49 am

I believe I saw Jaws at this theater during it’s original release. I would have been 4 years old. Why did my parents take me to see this at such a young age? Maybe thats why I don’t like to go to the beach. I remember when this closed and turned into a bank. In my youthful ignorance, I protested that I would never set foot into it again.

MissRandi commented about Fox Redondo Theatre on Oct 8, 2005 at 9:40 am

BrucieB: Thanks for sharing your stories about the Fox Redondo. I am interested in possibly purchasing several one-sheets if you have any left. Please email me at thanks!!!