Comments from MichaelVanScyoc

Showing 2 comments

MichaelVanScyoc commented about Fox Oakland Theater on Oct 19, 2001 at 7:27 pm

Can the stories of the marquee restoration be true??? I haven’t been by the building in months but if this is actually an indication of serious renovation efforts I applaud them..

MichaelVanScyoc commented about Senator Theatre on Oct 19, 2001 at 7:06 pm

I am so pleased to find your site and to read that the wonderful Senator theater is in fact being renovated…I grew up in the Chico area and have fond childhood memories attending the great building..and later had the pleasure of living in the second floor apartments overlooking Main St….Hope the “tower and gem” are included in restoration in addition to the neon building tracery…Also would be wonderful to see a theater pipe organ reinstalled…Is there a fund to contribute to and/or a website for this project?
