Comments from lvrepoman

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lvrepoman commented about El Portal Theatre on May 17, 2015 at 2:27 pm

The Rockford episode you guys have mentioned was titled, “Roundabout.” I was a 6th grader at the time it aired and was very excited to see places I recognized as locations. Particularly, a big portion of it was filmed at Wayne Newtons place, back when it was waayyy south of town. Other scenes were filmed on LV Blvd. around Stewart, at what I still call the “Manpower” building. There is another scene filmed around The Peppermill on the strip. Back in those days practically every cop show filmed a show in Las Vegas at least once. Kojak was here all the time. I can’t believe the El Portal showed “Dirty Harry” all those years without me knowing about it. I saw it when it first came out on the big screen in ‘71 (I was eight), and never saw it that way again till college. And it was playing right under my nose all the time!