Comments from lincoassoc

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lincoassoc commented about RKO Albee Theatre on Mar 25, 2009 at 4:25 pm

Another great memory from the Albee was watching the Ali-Frazier “Rumble in the Jungle” fight. The line was wrapped around the corner and almost down to Flatbush Ave Ext. I spent many nights at the theater cleaning up, popping popcorn, or just watching the same parts of the same movie night after night waiting for my wife to get off work. Me and my friends always felt exclusive because we would watch the movies by ourselves on the balcony when the movie wasn’t full and the balcony was closed. We had free reign of the soda from the upstairs concession stand. How I miss the old style movie houses…they really need to make a comeback along with drive in theaters.

lincoassoc commented about RKO Albee Theatre on Mar 25, 2009 at 4:19 pm

My ex-wife was a asst manager at the Albee in the 70’s and I have some great memories of this great theater from being there every night to pick her up. One of my favorite places in the theater was the projection booth as the long time projectionist whose name escapes me right now had the coolest collection of old movie posters. The Albee also was where I attended my first concert on my own…Kool and the Gang and others. I also attended my first x-rated movie “Sweet Sweetbacks BadAsssss Song…I was 17 at the time but the usher consulted with security guard and let me and my friends in but said he would keep an eye on us. Does anyone remember that there was a 50 room hotel behind the stage and each room was named after a state. The cops would always be hanging out in the rooms playing cards and drinking. The rooms had gold fixtures on the sinks and tubs and were very nice. More memories to come…