Photos favorited by Kinospotter

  • <p>1950 photo credit Fredric Schulte Family Collection, courtesy Western History Center at Casper College.</p>
  • <p>Undated auditorium photo credit Fredric Schulte Family Collection, courtesy Western History Center at Casper College.</p>
  • <p>A sign of the times from the North Park Theater’s Facebook page as Marketing Director Chris Dearing posts a COVID-19 era pandemic marquee in 2020 referencing “Monty Python’s Life of Brian’s” refrain, “Always look on the bright side of life.”</p>
  • <p>The marquee must go on was the business tactic for the Colonial during the COVID-19 pandemic as Marketing / Communications Director Michal Kortsarts and others came up with a series of film title puns while the theatre waited to reopen or sold concessions during the pandemic in 2020 which included “Don’t Stand By Me,” “Maskablanca,” “The Social Distance Network,” and “Indiana Jones and the Temple of Zoom” among many others.</p>
  • <p>The Emmaus Theatre closed for the COVID-19 pandemic on March 15, 2020 but that didn’t mean the attractor went blank. Operator  owner Robert Audibert came up with movie puns including “Dirty Distance… but from a Distance” and this Facebook post for “Qauaranteenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” along with a page the theatre awaiting a reopening.</p>
  • <p>From the theater’s Facebook page, a sign of the times as the Black Lives Matter movement brought a supportive message to the Hollywood’s attractor - the theatre, itself, closed during the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020.</p>
  • <p>A sign for the times as the World Theatre in Kearney posts its attractor on Facebook during the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020.</p>
  • <p>The Esquire Theatre attractor during the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020 didn’t go blank here referencing “Young Frankenstein” on a Facebook post.</p>
  • <p>September 1999.</p>
  • <p>ABC Plymouth with house tabs drawn back and organ console raised a couple of years or so before the act of desecration in 1976.</p>
  • <p>in the years 1920 splendid cinema later kinopanorama</p>
  • <p>The changing colors of Paramount’s neon lights up downtown Oakland.</p>
  • <p>Circa 1978 photo and description courtesy Steven Carlyle Moore via Minnesota `70s.
              “Time Warp
              Midnight Weirdness at the Uptown Theater, Minneapolis, 1978 Minneapolis’s Uptown Theater introduced midnight showings of the Rocky Horror Picture Show on May 19, 1978. It was the beginning an impressive 18-year run.”</p>
  • <p>Ticket Envelope</p>
  • <p>Social-Distancing rules for the Concession Stand (June 6, 2020).</p>
  • <p>1956 photo courtesy Route 66 Mother Road Postcards and more Facebook page.</p>
  • <p>Picture  Peter Large  Estate Agent</p>
  • <p>Photo Derek Billings   Picture Taken during Our era of ownership</p>