Greengate Mall Cinemas

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Tiny JRHagan

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Greengate Mall Cinemas

Greengate Mall Cinemas

Greensburg, PA

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Uploaded on: October 14, 2018

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Greengate Mall Cinemas

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Comments (1)

JRHagan commented about Greengate Mall Cinemas on Oct 16, 2018 at 6:43 pm

As of October 2018 the GMC building is still there.The Cinema was never connected to or part of the mall,the theater is located behind a Walmart on Rt.30 W in Greensburg Pa. On a site which was once the location for The Greengate Mall, hence the name GMC. There is a posted sign outside the Theater with contact information for the 3 building complex now known as the Greengate North Plaza. Most of the properties within the plaza seem to be occupied except for the theater. If My memory is correct when you entered the theater there was a small open box office in the front left corner of the lobby.There were two screens to the left of a 20 or 25 foot concession stand and one screen on the right.One of the other comments states this location had 1,200 seats all together which seems a bit high to me but could be accurate. This Location never made it to the digital age and barely made it through the early of VHS years. This location may have actually served as storage space for the Carmike Westmoreland Mall Cinema Four which was about 5 miles away on Rt.30 E.Those screens were also later closed when Carmike built a 15 screen complex in the adjacent mall annex. That Carmike 15 became a AMC location in late 2017. On a more personal note The first movie I ever saw at the GMC was “Porky’s”, which was also the first movie I ever saw with my then new girlfriend, that was on opening weekend in March of 1982. There was a packed house. Between 1982 and 1985 we saw many movies at GMC. On Monday (bargain night) July 29th 1985 we saw “Back to the Future”,our son was born the next day.Just goes to show even the most bland, box shaped, tri-plex movie house in tiny-town USA can still have some very special memories

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