Comments from jhphetjr

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jhphetjr commented about Memri Drive-In on Jan 13, 2011 at 7:42 pm

I had the pleasure of managing it that final summer of 1986. We kept it open through a weekend of flooding. The structure holding the screen up was a haven for pigeons and spiders that still gives me nightmares. Big Trouble in Little China is still a youthful favorite of mine.

jhphetjr commented about Showcase Cinemas Milan on Jan 13, 2011 at 7:35 pm

Ah, yes. I remember this one well. My family moved to the QC in 1981 so dad could take over as Managing Director. We were too late for Star Wars, but I sat through Raiders of the Lost Ark a dozen times, and Superman, E.T., and Porky’s – the first R-rated film my parents ever let me watch. Even worked there one summer as a grounds keeper before switching to the newly opened (and short-lived) RazzMaTazz on the same lot.