Comments from Jason3570

Showing 8 comments

Jason3570 commented about Quail Springs Cinema 6 on Nov 27, 2006 at 12:45 am

This theater was built as a General Cinema Theater in the 80’s and sold to Mann Theaters I Believe.

Jason3570 commented about Hollywood Galaxy on Nov 27, 2006 at 12:42 am

I watched Chicago in one of the THX Houses (Downstairs) at the Gallaxy it was just me and my boss at the time along with a handfull of other people watching. We were just a drop in the bucket compaired to the 488 empty seats that surrounded us (Twin 500 Seat houses) The presentation was excelent for a theater that had been in opperation at that time for about 12 years. We toured the boot before the show and it was what I consindered equially impressive. Each house had the standered V-5 Projectors , but to look at the sound racks and see 8 Foot sound rack with Dolby CP-500 processor and a Dolby Digital, DTS 6D and An SDDS 3000 Unit in Each Rack Wow. What a steal in Sound equipment AMC Got when they closed that theater not to mention the fact that both THX Houses had V-8 Projectors 35/70’s. I am not sure if the closed the twin to the Galaxy the Beverly Connection or not but that theaters booth is exactly the same. If not I would love to get the equipment from that one.

Jason3570 commented about AMC Eastgate on Nov 27, 2006 at 12:11 am

Do you know if the theater is still standing and if there is still equipment in the site?

Jason3570 commented about Canton 7 GDX on Nov 27, 2006 at 12:06 am

It was a General Cinema

Jason3570 commented about Pleasant Valley Promenade 7 on Nov 27, 2006 at 12:03 am

This theater was anything but typical for general Cinema oh sure the color scheme was there and the oak pannels hung on the wall but the floor was unlike any other GCC theater that I have currenly visited in that it is basicly in the shape of a seven. In that you enter into the very spacious lbby and go to your right there are 5 houses on the right hand side of the and two at the end of the hall on the left. The equipment has been sold for the site there were origanlly 3 stereo houses all of which were digital 1 dts 1 sdds and 1 dolby digital. The last I heard it was to become a gym. It’ll make a great one it has an exclusive three story parking garage dedicated to it’s use.

Jason3570 commented about Halls Cinema 7 on Nov 26, 2006 at 11:53 pm

The theater had 4 screens.

Jason3570 commented about Midway Mall Cinema 8 on Nov 26, 2006 at 11:31 pm

This theater was part of the original 55 theaters that General Cinemas closed durring the late 90’s. It was one of the very few theaters that was stripped of equipment. It was put back together a few years ago by Kenny stultz and ??? Talbot the together own the Aloma Cinema Grill in Orlando Florida.

Jason3570 commented about Lincoln Plaza Cinema on Nov 26, 2006 at 11:09 pm

This past March. My partner and I aqquired all of the assets of the Former General Cinema Theater. We had been looking to aqquire the booth and front of the house since it’s closing in 2000. The original owners however held out hope that some one reopen the theater (and the landlord would get the rent(Almost 800K a year) that General Cinema was paying them) after selling the real estate the new owners held out for a while, and finally gave in with the announcement of Centurys new build at the Tacoma Mall. It was an amazing transformation from when I first looked at the theater back in late 2000 to what I ended up buying in 2006. Origanlly all of the booth and support equipment were present as well as the concession and front of the house. The only thing that was missing were some amps and speakers that were stollen before the front of the theater were fortified. When I was finnaly able to buy the equipment all of the support, concession and remander of the sound were gone. Along with every square inch of copper wire. Yes thief’s got all of the wire from the building.( I am sure that the Tacoma Police Dept. Would be glad to know that a Grand Larceny of this magnitude was happening just a block and half from there headquarters) However to my luck The Projectors platters, dimmers and automation units were still there intact. Guess the burglers couldn’t figure out how to pawn this type of equipment. For my business partner it was bitter sweet as he had been GM for this theater for several years and worked for General Cinema for 10 yrs. The only origianl GCC Theaters in the Seattle Area left open are Kitsap 8 Renton 8, The Gateway 8 and the Pacific Place. A far cry form the dominance that General once had in this market. Allways looking for closed theaters with assets present for sale or lease. By the way the Equipment has now found a home in a closed 8 Plex in Pensacola Florida. I bet General Cinema never that there original purchase would ever go so far.