Comments from coyoteii48

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coyoteii48 commented about El Portal Theatre on Jul 20, 2014 at 4:53 pm

Picking up on an observation, Mr. Stan Malone, pointed out back on June 7th, about the El Portels Marquis, being an identifiable landmark, seen in one of “The Rockford Files” episodes, car chases scenes; and my dissertation answering remark, about my intrigue with the series, and actor James Garner: I return today, sadly, learning of his passing away yesterday July 19, 11 days after my post. His “Obit” herald all the accolades, re-enforcing his “down to earthiness ”, and I learned or had forgotten, he was born an “Okie"from Norman, as was my mother,Lucille, you can’t get much more "salt of the earth”, than those good folks. She witnessed my goings on, in regard to “Jimmy Rockford”, she loved Garner,as Maverick, back in the day! Well as James Garner “crossed over”, you can bet he got a big hug from an “Okie Gal”. Show him the ropes Mom, you guys enjoy! While, I dry my eye’s.

R.I.P.; Mr. James Garner, aka “Jimmy R”

coyoteii48 commented about Las Vegas Cinerama on Jul 9, 2014 at 1:55 am

I was a Freshman at Gorman 1965 when my Dad and I saw “Battle of the Bulge” the surround sound was awesome and I can still hear the squeaky metal tread links, in my head, as the Tanks seemed to roll over the audience. I was really jacked leaving the show, until I crossed paths with my scary, History Teacher, on the way out. As he glared at me and says “Mr. Wiley”, and he wasn’t talking to my Dad. The Dude was Scary!

coyoteii48 commented about El Portal Theatre on Jul 9, 2014 at 1:27 am

Stan, thanks for your input on the Rockford files, I’ve always been a Rockford Freak, to the point of stalking the Universal site to see his trailer and surviving cars; as well as the SAND CASTLE in Malibu, where I got insights from bartenders and waitresses on Garners, “down to earth” dealings with clientele, employee’s, cast and crew while OFF SET. I had forgotten his visits to Las Vegas while in character, would love to know episode and air dates. Now as for the illustrious “El Portel” in 1962 I was in 5th grade and the E.P. was the closet theatre to our house about 10 miles. I took many a bus ride to the E.P. which had a stage in front of the Screen and Saturdays @ 11am there was a frenzy of kids in groups of scouts boy and girl. One such memorable Saturday tickets were drawn from the tumberle drum, and the recipient was matched to a day spent with a Las Vegas or North Las Vegas City Officer ranging from Mayor to the Superintendent of Streets N.L.V. which was my position drawn, it was a long walk to the stage to redeem the official letter,as the kids laughed and jeered at my appointment. After, our “day on the job"and at our next Troop 99 scout meeting, I heard all the blah blah of the boring Majors, Administrators, Assessors, etc. the general picture was, Lunch, as the height of the day. My day was spent with a rugged blue jeaned "John Wayne type”, complete with cowboy hat, flying around in a two seater, no door, open willy’s jeep, bouncing from pavement to dirt, and stopping at jack hammering work sites, to concrete pouring, to sewer flushing and shovel flinging un blocking of poo! I really couldn’t tell ya where WE ate lunch that day. But it was a hella fun Time!

10 years later a Freshman at UNLV, The El Portel comes center stage in my life, as my Girl friend Kim, works the Ticket Booth for the summer and fall. Now you would think I saw a lot of different movies with such a hook up! But NO! Dirty Harry was a mainstay for what seemed forever! I can say that I saw the opening to that movie at least 50 times, picking her up on the final showing at 10pm. It didn’t “Make My Day”, but she sure Made My Nite!

El Portel- Bob Hope, take it away!