AMC Empire 25

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AMC Empire 25

AMC Empire 25

New York, NY

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AMC Empire 25

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Comments (2)

Orlando commented about AMC Empire 25 on Oct 9, 2018 at 1:48 pm

The features are “FRANKENSTEIN CONQUORS THE WORLD” and “TARZAN AND THE VALLEY OF GOLD” at the Empire, “YOURS, MINE AND OURS” at the Astor. “THE NOTORIOUS DIARY OF FANNY HILL” at the VICTORY, “THE THOMAS CROWN AFFAIR” at the Harris with a co-feature. The LIBERTY had “THE TWISTED SEX” and “SEX DIARY OF JUSTUNE”. Also the scene in the theatre where Joe Buck gets serviced in the balcony was playing “THE SECRET LIFE OF AN AMERICAN WIFE” and “VOYAGE TO SPACE” which is on the screen at the time of the “job”. Another double feature was “HANG ‘EM HIGH” and “A CANDIDATE FOR MURDER”, “MAJOR DUNDEE” and “THE MAN FROM GALVESTON”. Another is “BONNIE AND CLYDE” and “A COVENANT WITH DEATH” and that’s April 1968 on 42nd Street.

Orlando commented about AMC Empire 25 on Oct 9, 2018 at 2:07 pm

On Broadway besides the Astor, Loew’s State had “THE LEGEND OF LYLAH CLAIRE” on it’s single screen, The Penthouse had “FINIAN’S RAINBOW” while the CINERAMA had “ICE STATION ZEBRA”. “HANG ‘EM HIGH” (Single Feature) at the Victoria AND “RACHEL, rachel at the FORUM 47th ST. "THE FAMILY WAY” at the EMBASSY.

"Midnight Cowboy was filmed in the spring and summer of 1968 and one of my all time favorites. I saw the second run at Century's College with "ALICE'S RESTAURANT", a double-bill in 1970.
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