Comments from alex35mm

Showing 51 - 75 of 80 comments

alex35mm commented about Lincoln Village 1-6 on Oct 24, 2006 at 10:35 pm

Paul, I agree with the Cineplex Odeon comment. Over 14 or so of these theaters were built in the Chicago land area in the late 80s early 90s to be state of the art just at the end of a rapidly changing time for movie theaters. I’d be very interested to get the story of Cineplex Odeon and what exactly went wrong, why very little up keep was taken with these places over the years even in threw Loews’s ownership and why only 3 or so seem to remain.

Personally being at one of these old Cineplex Odeons like the Lincoln Village, or even the now defunct Burnham plaza they all seem to have such a strange and almost creepy vibe. Like they tried to be so much, but got lost along the way.

alex35mm commented about Village Art Theatre on Oct 15, 2006 at 3:23 pm

CinemarkFan I used to general manage this place last year for a while, and would love to chat about the theater as well the crazy corporation running it. I did everything from try to fix up the bathrooms to greatly improving presentation is all 4 theaters (not to toot my own horn). Feel free to email me at

alex35mm commented about Movie theater tosses texting teens on Oct 2, 2006 at 12:35 am

CinemaSightlines: I’ll keep an eye on that site your working on, sure sounds interesting. I’d love to give my thoughts and assistance. Also, the idea of being a projectionist in Hollywood sounds amazing! What a lucky dude.

alex35mm commented about Movie theater tosses texting teens on Oct 1, 2006 at 1:00 pm

Also, CinemaSightlines and othres: Don’t lump all the youngins into one category. That’s completely not fair. I believe there is something truly wrong with how theatres and chains are run these days and slow but surly I have made it my goal in life to change that. Someday I hope to open my own chain with true class and showmanship. I know plenty of other people around my age that agree, and have a high respect for how things used to be and are working towards the same goal. There is so much going on in the exhibition industry behind the scenes that just isn’t right but for some reason a lot of these companies get away with it, for now.

Mark my words: Things will change, slowly but surely. We have to stay positive.

alex35mm commented about Movie theater tosses texting teens on Oct 1, 2006 at 12:48 pm

TxtMsgOhNoooooess, I’m 21 and completely agree with the majority here. I work very, very hard at my 18 plex to try to save what showmanship and magic I can. Our presentation is near perfect most of the time, and we have a manager come in prior to the show on weekends politely reminding everyone to turn off their cell phones, or at least silence them, and that we’re all here to enjoy a movie and be respectful of others. Customers truly love it. If you work at a theatre I’d sure love to come check out how god-awful the experience is there.

alex35mm commented about Movie theater tosses texting teens on Sep 29, 2006 at 4:49 am

Thanks everyone for all these comments, I’m honestly going to try something different when I do my theater announcements regarding cell phones this evening before the shows. “..And Remember folks, it’s stadium seating. When you flip open that phone EVERYONE behind you sees it. Enjoy the show everyone!”

Its worth a shot.

alex35mm commented about Movie theater tosses texting teens on Sep 28, 2006 at 11:06 am

I always inform people that with stadium seating everyone can see your phone behind you, whenever I can catch them. My fellow managers believe it’s a waste of my time though. I can’t stand seeing it from the porthole. I think overall in this country and industry there is a complete lack of showmanship, whether it be bad lighting installed in the auditoriums that can’t fade when the previews are started or having the lights fade and being bombarded with 10 minutes of ads. I think the fact that most theatres, at best have an overall poor presentation in general due to throwing people up in the booth with virtually no training what so ever is a lot more noticeable then the higher ups at these large chains believe. When the movie is dirty, focused poorly and splices are distracting it hurts the experience and the magic.

I’ve worked at over 10 theaters, for all different chains at new and old theatres and it’s the same everywhere I go. Not to toot my own horn, but I try to do what I can, I things do look better but I’m beginning to believe this is a loosing battle. Something really needs to charge from up top.

alex35mm commented about Volunteers ready Lamb's Keith for World Premiere on Sep 22, 2006 at 2:56 pm

Way to be super vague on the photo gallery. The one thing people here mostly likely want to see.

alex35mm commented about More news on Cinemark acquisition on Aug 15, 2006 at 1:33 am

I really hope this doesn’t effect century in a bad way, For example, for Cinemark to start running rolling stock ads (coke, cingular..) before the trailers, or less employees on crowded nights.

alex35mm commented about Village Theatre Signs New Lease on Jun 21, 2006 at 12:16 pm

Yeah right, Village Etertainment isnt going to put a dime into this theater. Its always all talk.

alex35mm commented about Wilmette Theatre on May 9, 2006 at 1:18 am

As of May 9th the marquee is blank and there are several signs on the doors reading “Temporally closed for remodel”.

alex35mm commented about Evanston 5 Theaters on Apr 25, 2006 at 10:24 pm

Word is the are tearing down both theaters and all the store fronts next spring. A real shame we loose another one in this area. I’ll miss you evanston, some fun times had.

alex35mm commented about Regal City North Stadium 14 IMAX & RPX on Apr 21, 2006 at 11:25 am

Word is Century Theaters is going to acquire it. (This is from pretty high up.)

alex35mm commented about Uptown Theatre on Apr 20, 2006 at 11:17 am

There is a show on Discovery Channel called Urban Explorers – Chicago episode. They went in the uptown, and went all over it (booth, main floor, catacombs). I’m not sure if this show will be on again, i sure hope so. You guys would have loved it!

alex35mm commented about Village Art Theatre may close on Apr 12, 2006 at 12:47 am

cinemarkfan: I’m not sure, last I heard it was still in the works. But with village et. things can change drastically at a moments notice. If nothing happens in the next 3 months, don’t count on it.

alex35mm commented about WANTED!!! INDIANA THEATRE FOR SECOND RUN SHOWS on Apr 11, 2006 at 12:02 pm


alex35mm commented about Village Art Theatre may close on Apr 10, 2006 at 7:16 pm

Paul, I used to manage here up until recently. Trust me, its absolutely rent and a slew of other reasons (not fixing the heat all winter in theater 2?). The company most likely will take the owner to count and, doing what village does best, waste a lot of time with the court system. Mostly the firm and landlord that rent the property to Village Entertainment are very nice people and would like to see the building remain a movie theater. However they are very tired of dealing with Village. After my time there and seeing how the company is run, I don’t blame them. The entire operation is a complete joke. I would love to go into detail, but I’m sure you guys would read about a body found floating in the harbor next week.

alex35mm commented about Kerasotes Drops Wilson Yard Plans; Seeks to Buy Instead on Mar 8, 2006 at 10:33 pm

They should clean Webster up quite nicely. That’s a shame about the Wilson Yards though, that area really needs just a decent clean theater.

alex35mm commented about Staff needed for River Oaks Theatre on Feb 21, 2006 at 9:11 am

This company only causes me confusion.

alex35mm commented about Lincoln Village 1-6 on Feb 17, 2006 at 11:00 pm

Knowing Village I’m sure they have said they have upgrades “planned” but will any thing ever actually happen? I highly doubt it. Only 2 of the theater here are digital sound (DTS 2 & 3). It would be nice if they made all 6 digital. They also said they had plans for stadium seating in the 2 largest theaters, which I can’t really see happening ever.

alex35mm commented about Golf Glen Theatre Closes on Feb 9, 2006 at 3:17 pm

Typical, the 2 theaters in which make them money. Why they don’t advertise the other ones I have no idea. Also I’d like to note that they don’t always publish the show times, just what movies are playing. Pure genius.

Be advised, this company is run by morons.

alex35mm commented about Mark Cuban asks "What business are theaters in?" on Jan 28, 2006 at 9:33 am

Very nicely said. I’ve managed 3 low end theaters and mostly 2 high end. I honestly could not agree more.

I would like to see, especially the big mega’s hiring better staff who have passion and who know how to control a situation with large crowds. It seems at most theaters even the managers don’t no how. As well as, most of all, paying better. At the AMC river east 21 here in downtown Chicago a majority of the staff absolutely hates their job and doesn’t care one bit about quick efficient customer service. And it shows severely. The experience is horrible.

alex35mm commented about Demolition of the Historic Adelphi Theater on Jan 24, 2006 at 10:05 am

I volunteered to try to help reopen this theater. She was beautiful and will always be fondly remembered. At one point I fired up the original theater speakers and we watched matrix digitally projected. Of course I’m all about film, but I’m very glad to of had that opportunity.

Yet another one bits the dust. Why does this keep happening! I just cant stand this any more.

alex35mm commented about Wanted: theater for lease on Jan 7, 2006 at 11:20 am

The Village art at 1548 North Clark in Chicago IL is currently open, yet there is a for rent sign over the marquee for summer 2006. Though the theater does need a little bit of a revitalization it has heart and if money was spent in the right places it could do wonders. All it takes is a little showmanship. I’m a manager for currently operator and would be happy to chat with you if your interested.

alex35mm commented about Regal Webster Place 11 on Jan 2, 2006 at 8:20 pm

I sure hope Village does not pick this theater up. They should focus on cleaning up their current theaters like the Village North and Village Art before they pick up another cinema. Not to mention any theater Village seems to acquire they seem to run completely into the ground. They just don’t care. See the Burnham Plaza, Water Tower Place and the Biograph.