September 6, 2004
Roxie Theater Sign Gets Help
LOS ANGELES, CA — The Los Angeles Conservancy will help refurbish and restore seven historic Broadway structures, including the fronts of vaudeville-era theaters like the 1931 Roxie, according to the Los Angeles Downtown News.
August 25, 2004
Count Basie
RED BANK, NJ — The Count Basie Theatre reopened last week after a $1 million renovation that brought new seats to the 78-year-old former movie house.
For more information, read the Asbury Park Press, 1010 WINS, and Independent articles.
August 19, 2004
Lincoln Square Theatre Receives $1.75M Grant
DECATUR, IL — The first half of a $3.5 million State of Illinois “Illinois First” grant earmarked for the renovation of downtown Decatur’s historic Lincoln Square Theatre has arrived.
The Board of the Lincoln Square Theatre has been waiting since 2002 to receive the funding from the State of Illinois. Carla Brinkoetter, president of the board of directors of Lincoln Square Theatre, Inc,, said the theatre will have 24 months to spend the grant funds, with another $1.75 million promised once the first half of the grantis spent.
Historic Notting Hill Arthouse Cinema Undergoes Refurbishment
LONDON, ENGLAND — The historic Gate Cinema in London’s trendy Notting Hill is currently undergoing an extensive refurbishment.
Externally, it will have a new canopy, marquee and vertical blade sign. Internally, it will have a totally new lobby in stainless steel and oak (nothing of the original lobby exists following a rebuild after WWII when the ornate exterior suffered extensive bomb damage).
The Grade II listed auditorium is a extravagantly ornate wedding cake confection of Edwardian plasterwork with a heavily coffered ceiling.
August 13, 2004
Devon Theater To Become Performing Arts Center
PHILADELPHIA, PA — The Devon Theater will be restored and renovated into a 500-seat performing arts center, according to an article in the Northeast Times.
The newspaper reports that the Mayfair Community Development Corporation will reopen the renamed Devon Theater of Performing Arts to “showcase a wide range of entertainment – live theater, opera, orchestra and ballet performances, children’s shows, dance and music recitals, comedy cabarets, holiday plays – and even an occasional movie.”
August 9, 2004
Oldest Continuously Operating Movie Theater?
PRYOR, OK — My name is Gene Oliver and I am the owner of the Allred Theater in Pryor, Oklahoma. The theater was opened in 1917 by J. F. Allred and my father bought it in 1963.
It has continuosly operated as a movie theater and never been dark. Nor has it operated as any other business. My interest is in the possibility that it may be the oldest continously operating movie theater in the nation. If not, possibly the oldest small town theater in continuous operation.
I would appreciate some help with this research.
August 2, 2004
New Ritz Theatre Pic
WELLINGTON, TX — Wes Reeves sent us a new pic of the Ritz Theatre’s latest restoration…
“Hi – a few months ago you ran a photo of the facade of the Ritz Theatre in Wellington, Texas just as were about to start roof repairs.
I’m sending another shot that shows a completely different picture. Windows have been replaced, some paint has been slapped on and the old blade sign has been returned complete with new neon.
July 26, 2004
Theaters Wanted
I purchase and restore old theaters. If you know of any theaters that are closed down and are for sell, please contact me as I am always buying theaters to restore and re-open. If you would like to see your old home town movie theater re-opened, please drop me a line. I also am always purchasing theater equipment. If you have any projectors, platters, popcorn machines, or any other theater equipment, please contact me.
July 19, 2004
Garden Theatre To Be Renovated By 2005
DETROIT, MI — The former Garden Theatre, designed by architect C. Howard Crane, is to be renovated by late 2005, according to the Detroit News.
“The outside of the Garden Theatre will be restored, but the interior has suffered severe deterioration and will likely need new finishes,” a consultant on the theater project is quoted as saying. The News reports that the work is scheduled to be completed by next year.
June 22, 2004
Elsinore Theatre Opens Doors to Show Off Restoration Progress
SALEM, OR — According to this report from the Statesman-Journal, the $3.2 million restoration and renovation project of the historic 1926 Elsinore Theatre is nearing completion. The theater is set to reopen in October and will present live entertainment such as Broadway shows and concerts.
Visitors will now be able to tour the Elsinore from noon to one on Tuesdays and Thursdays and see firsthand the progress that’s taking place at the former movie house. A state of the art sound system has been added, the lobby and murals have been restored, and stained glass windows have also been repaired.