Movie Theaters Designed by John Adolph Emil Eberson
Showing 1 - 30 of 139 closed movie theaters
All Theaters (193)Open (54)Showing Movies (38)Closed (139)Demolished (91)Restoring (4)Renovating (5)
Name | Location | ↑ Status | Screens |
Amityville Theatre | Amityville, NY, United States | Closed | 1 |
Penn Theatre | Ambridge, PA, United States | Closed | 1 |
Majestic Theatre | Savannah, GA, United States | Closed | 1 |
Novo Theatre | Cumberland, KY, United States | Closed | 1 |
Virginia Theatre | Alexandria, VA, United States | Closed | 1 |
Marlboro Theatre | Upper Marlboro, MD, United States | Closed | 1 |
Sayville Theatre | Sayville, NY, United States | Closed | 1 |
Crown Theatre | Chicago, IL, United States | Closed | 1 |
Strand Theatre | Oswego, NY, United States | Closed | 1 |
Jewel Theatre | Hamilton, OH, United States | Closed | 1 |
Laurel Cinema Cafe | Laurel, MD, United States | Closed | 1 |
Majestic Theatre | Fort Worth, TX, United States | Closed | 1 |
Strand Theatre | Ogdensburg, NY, United States | Closed | 1 |
Coral Theatre | Capitol Heights, MD, United States | Closed | 1 |
Lake Theatre | Benton Harbor, MI, United States | Closed | 1 |
Boice Theatre | Warsaw, IN, United States | Closed | 1 |
Wilson Theatre | Beloit, WI, United States | Closed | 1 |
Grand Theatre | Elwood, IN, United States | Closed | 1 |
Weslin Theatre | Massillon, OH, United States | Closed | 1 |
Cohoes Theatre | Cohoes, NY, United States | Closed | 1 |
State Theatre | Washington, PA, United States | Closed | 1 |
RKO Paramount Theater | Cincinnati, OH, United States | Closed | 1 |
Scoop Theatre | Louisville, KY, United States | Closed | 1 |
Inca Theatre | Okmulgee, OK, United States | Closed | 1 |
Forum Theatre | Akron, OH, United States | Closed | 1 |
Hippodrome Theatre and Ballroom | Okmulgee, OK, United States | Closed | 1 |
State Theatre | San Antonio, TX, United States | Closed | 1 |
Vernon Theatre | Mount Vernon, OH, United States | Closed | 1 |
Majestic Theatre | Little Rock, AR, United States | Closed | 1 |
Quilna Theatre | Lima, OH, United States | Closed | 1 |