Twin 50 Drive-In

727 Heisinger Road,
Jefferson City, MO 65109

350 cars

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50sSNIPES on April 3, 2024 at 6:59 pm

Once operated by Mid-America Theatres.

50sSNIPES on March 30, 2024 at 7:18 pm

The actual opening date is May 28, 1949.

jwmovies on March 8, 2019 at 3:00 am

The address above is incorrect. That address is further north. The address for this theater is 727 Heisinger Rd, Jefferson City, MO 65109. This points directly to not only the drive in itself but the concession stand foundation that is still there. Some ramps are are also still visible.

The ramps are visible for most part at screen 1. Screen 2 and the entrance are now a satellite parking lot for UPS truck.

Please update.

dallasmovietheaters on September 7, 2015 at 6:58 pm

Correction: The opening name of this theatre in May of 1949 was the 50 Hiwa Drive-In Theatre. (No “y” or “gh” in the name.)

The 50 Hiwa Drive-In Theatre was architected by Beverly Miller & Associates in Kansas City. Miller had designed similar ozoners in Kansas City and St. Joseph. The 40x50' image was projected on a 60' high tower. The 350-car theatre also had walk-up seating for 200 additional patrons. Durwood Theatres — operators of the local State and Capitol indoor theatre — didn’t take kindly to the Hiway and decided to build a bigger drive-in just west of the city called the Skylark with capacity for 500 cars. It was on.

lktripnc on September 7, 2011 at 4:01 pm

This photo shows the wrong side of Missouri Blvd (formerly US Route 50) from where the drive-in was located. This photo shows the north side of the street and the drive-in was located on the south side of the street.