Montgomery Theater

Cass Street and Florida Avenue,
Tampa, FL 33601

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Previous Names: Poinciana Theatre

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Montgomery Photo from Postcard

The former Poinciana Theatre and the Montgomery Theater were both listed in the 1914-1915 edition of American Motion Picture Directory, although it had been renamed the Montgomery Theater and reopened on June 2, 1913. The Poinciana Theatre was one of several theaters in the eastern U.S. that were owned and operated by amusement mogul Mr. Montgomery. The new Montgomery Theater was managed by Mr. H.C. Dorsey.

The opening attraction was the two reel feature “The Iron Hand” and vocalist Harry Bickford performed between showings.

“Montgomery Methods and High Class Pictures”

Mr. Montgomery has an established reputation of presenting high quality motion pictures, and has stated that there will be no offensive pictures presented and any unruly conduct of patrons will not be tolerated. Parents were assured that any child in attendance will be in a safe environment free from offensive pictures or questionable conduct.

Owning many big feature subjects himself, Mr. Montgomery assured the public only the very best pictures will be shown. Once the public becomes aware of my system of running a show we usually show to standing room. It doesn’t take long for men to know their wives and children are protected from mashers in Montgomery theaters. Mothers soon find out they can send their children to a Montgomery theater unescorted.

Unfortunately I was unable to determine the number of years theater was in operation as daily advertisements are practically non-existent for the Montgomery Theater during this period.

Contributed by Nick DiMaggio Jr
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