Lyric Theatre

Erwin, TN 37650

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Lyric Theatre

The Lyric Theatre opened as early as 1928, but closed for a short period of time later that December due to the orders of the city council as a precaution against a pandemic from the influenza epidemic (which is kinda like what we see today in 2022 I guess) which reopened on January 7, 1929.

Closing later that July for updates as sound began installing at the theatre with “The Voice Of The City” as its first sound film on July 15, 1929.

The Lyric Theatre and the Palace Theatre were the main theatres in Erwin until the launch of the Capitol Theatre in November 1935. The Palace Theatre in the other hand closed its doors for the final time a few months before the launch of the Capitol Theatre which later became J.B. Dick And Company 5/10¢ store on September 14 of that year.

Flash-forward a few decades later, the Lyric Theatre was on its last legs in the first half of the 1950’s in connection of the growing popularity of the Capitol Theatre, but it tipped off his hat, closing its doors in 1952.

Contributed by 50sSNIPES

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robboehm on February 9, 2022 at 3:18 am

Uploaded an early photo.

50sSNIPES on February 9, 2022 at 4:23 pm

The Lyric was almost threatened by the Palace Theatre’s manager B.M. Poe in May 1932 in attempt to burn the Lyric Theatre by the use of his 2 younger boys using gasoline. He was arrested shortly afterwards.

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