Sala Elizabeth Taylor

Calle 5 de Febero 265,
Puerto Vallarta 48380

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Functions: Movies (Adult)

Phone Numbers: Box Office: 523222.235.2500

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Sala Elizabeth Taylor

Located in the beach resort city of Peuro Vallarta in the state of Jalisco. This cinema is in the Zona Romantica district, just to the south of the city centre. The Sala Elizabeth Taylor was gifted to the city by the actress to be an art house cinema. Elizabeth Taylor first went to Puerto Vallarta in 1963 with her then boyfriend Richard Burton, who was there to film “Night of the Iguana”. She lived in a house there for many years.

Eventually the Sala Elizabeth Taylor was taken over by the crooked mayor of the city and leased out to become an adult movie theatre. Elizabeth Taylor was certainly not amused by this new use. The Sala Elizabeth Taylor still operates as an adult porn cinema and is well known to have a gay male cliental as this is also the gay district of the city.

Contributed by Ken Roe

Recent comments (view all 1 comments)

omargarde on October 29, 2021 at 1:26 am

Wow I did not know the cinema was actually built by Elizabeth Taylor. What year was it built?

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