Royal Pavilion Cinema

Dean Street,
Mossley, OL5 OPE

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Royal Pavilion Cinema

Located in Mossley, to the north of Ashton-under-Lyne, Lancashire. The Royal Pavilion Cinema. Opened in 1910, Charles and Ada Wilkinson were the owners. Charles had made his fortune as a musical hall act: “Zellini” the Human Chimney - he did tricks with cigarette smoke. Charles and Ada also owned and operated the Empire Cinema less than a mile away. The Royal Pavilion Cinema was equipped with a Picturetone sound system around 1930. This was later replaced by a Western Electric(WE) sound system. The Royal Pavilion Cinema was closed around 1960 and was converted into a bingo club which was still operating when it was destroyed by fire in September 1961.

A senior citizens home has now been built on the site.

Contributed by Dale Tee

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thejokebloke1 on March 30, 2021 at 6:04 pm

This a post 1949 aerial view of the Royal Pavilion Cinema.Renovations were made around this time and If you look at the other aerial view you will see that the building does not look like the same one. This was not a purpose built cinema and made use of an old bobbin shed that was formerly part of a nearby cotton mill. It ran from 1910 to September 1963.

thejokebloke1 on March 30, 2021 at 6:09 pm

This cinema was operated for a time by the Co-op.I copied and pasted the following; The Mossley Society had a cinema, the Royal Pavilion at Brookbottom, which for several years during the silent period ran as a departmental venture. However, the society, unable to meet the cost of re-equipping for sound, leased it to a company which operated three other cinemas and which intended to convert it to sound.“ Thereafter, it was treated by the Society simply as an income bearing asset, the educational and cultural benefits of a co-operative cinema remaining unrecognized.

thejokebloke1 on March 31, 2021 at 4:18 pm

Just to correct a couple of things from above. The Cinema finished life as a bingo hall and the fire that destroyed it was September 1961 and not 1963. Also an old people home was built on the site and not housing.

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