Spa Theatre

South Marine Drive,
Bridlington, YO15 3JH

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Ian Grundy
Ian Grundy on April 19, 2010 at 5:11 am

Films return to the Spa Theatre. Starting in May 2010 there are to be weekly screenings of classics in the restored Spa Theatre, which retains stalls and circle seating. A Saturday morning kids cinema will also begin trials.

Live shows still predominate.

Ian Grundy
Ian Grundy on September 20, 2008 at 4:14 am

Some photos of the restored, resplendent and reopened Spa Theatre here (taken September 2008). Films are no longer shown however:–

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jasper on August 18, 2007 at 2:09 pm

Thanks for that, can you imagine when that website was last updated?– certainley ‘joe Pascuale’ will look a little older by now- ERYC dont seem to keen to tell us what going on at the moment-leave it much longer and they will loose all the business to scarborough spa- love that theatre- hope that they havent ruined it- mind you it needed work- I was in a Brid amateur prouction of ‘Oklahoma’ during easter 200l- we were supposed to be in ‘that dry state’ and it was ‘snowing’ on to us through a ‘hole’ in the roof of the fly tower!

jasper on August 18, 2007 at 1:32 pm

Would really like to talk to you direct on some of the projects we are both interested in as you will see I think a positive battle is about to start to save the palace theatre in Huddersfield- I do admire your work and your photography cheers!– somebody has got to ‘rattle the cages’!

Ian Grundy
Ian Grundy on August 18, 2007 at 1:03 pm

I had hoped to be invited back for a progress press event by now, but as you say it has gone quiet! When I was there the screen was still intact in the tower, but the 3 screen Forum (dreadful venue) seems to have sapped the market for films from the Spa. From what I saw of the renovations, film is not a consideration when it reopens.

jasper on August 18, 2007 at 12:28 pm

Does anyone have any new ‘sneak’ photos of the progress of the spa refurbishment- All seems to have gone ‘quiet’.I believe reopening has now been delayed until 2008?. Correct me if Im wrong but I fear that projection facilities for film have been removed as part of the refurb. Having appeared in stage shows in the theatre a few years ago, I have seen the screen up in the fly tower- in 200l/2 it was not in a very good state.

Ian Grundy
Ian Grundy on March 1, 2007 at 7:47 am

Photos of the 2007 refurbishment works here:–

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