Arrow Drive-In

15639 U.S. 385,
Julesburg, CO 80737

318 cars

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MichaelKilgore on February 11, 2020 at 2:08 am

Boxoffice, May 11, 1970: “Dismantling of the old Arrow Drive-In, Julesburg, has been completed with the razing of the screen tower. The drive-in equipment was purchased and will be moved to a new location to be announced later.”

MichaelKilgore on September 11, 2019 at 4:07 pm

According to a magnificent article by Mark Wolfe in the Winter 2007 issue of Colorado Heritage, the Julesburg was renamed the Arrow in less than a year. The article, “Silver Screens Under Starry Skies,” is hard to find (cough Google), but here are the high points:

Herman Koeppen and M. V. Nygren built the Julesburg, which opened May 4, 1955. Its opening double feature was “Silver City” and “The Savage”. The Julesburg held 318 cars.

Herb and Doris Martens, who ran a small airport nearby, bought the drive-in and renamed it the Arrow. “New flashing arrows pointed to a 20-foot neon arrow at the entrance.” They replaced the screen with a wide 76-footer and added 50 speakers to bring capacity up to 368.

In 1969, a major electrical storm hit, and a bolt of lightning somehow shattered the bulbs in the light fixtures and fried the sound system. The Arrow never reopened.

Kenmore on May 22, 2019 at 9:43 pm

Well, I found either the Julesburg or the Arrow Drive-In at 15639 U.S. 385, Julesburg, CO near the airport about a mile west of the town.

The drive-in appears to be demolished in a 1980 aerial photo. Today, all the remains is a faint hint of the outline and ramps.

MichaelKilgore on May 22, 2019 at 8:03 pm

From the Aug. 27, 1955 Motion Picture Herald:

Herbert Martens has bought the Julesburg drive-in, Julesburg, Colo.