Blue Bird Auto Theatre

11436 Cleveland Avenue NW,
Uniontown, OH 44685

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Blue Bird Auto Theatre

The Blue Bird Auto Theatre was one of the first auto theatres to open in the Akron, Ohio area. The other two were the Starlight Auto Theatre and the BMP Auto Theatre. Not too much is known about the Bluebird Auto Theatre. It was built on a steep hillside and was opened by E. Ballou on July 12, 1940. Opening feature was the 1939 comedy “Blondie brings up Baby” with Penny Singleton and Arthur Lake. It parked 200 cars and had outside blast speakers for the sound system. Later into the 1940’s, Co-Op Theatres Inc. from Cleveland, Ohio, was the buying and booking agency. Starting in 1941 and looking at movie advertisements, the theatre was not very consistent about screening movies on a weekly schedule during the years that it was open. It might have been a Mom and Pop type operation with limited resources. With better equipment and more drive-ins opening up in the Akron and Canton, Ohio area, the Bluebird Auto Theatre was closed for good in 1950. On July 28, 1951, the auto theatre property and equipment was auctioned off. The property is now residential housing.

Contributed by Randy Studer
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