Roxy Gardens

240 Guildford Road,
Maylands, WA 6051

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Uploaded on: June 28, 2019

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Roxy Gardens  240 Guildford Road, Maylands, WA - Peters Dixie Cups

Peter’s ‘Dixie’Cups, eaten with a little wooden spoon at The Roxy Gardens.

As a child of the 1950s, you paid one shilling and threepence to sit on the front benches and an extra sixpence to sit in the back stalls. If a boy didn’t have to look after his sister and sit in the good seats, that meant more money to spend at the interval on sweets and ice-cream. Cinema-goers will also remember the sweets and ice-creams which were sold in the theatre shop, or if it was crowded the milk bar opposite. The ice-creams were usually Peter’s ‘Dixie’, cups, eaten with a little wooden spoon. The sweets included tough chewing ‘Choo-choo’ bars, the mighty lasting ‘Cobber’ blocks, licorice of various types, while not forgetting, ‘Fantales’ with minature biographical quips & comments, featuring film stars on the wrappers.Then the Jaffa magic moment, when a lolly would be dropped at a critical moment for best effect, as we listened to it rolling down the isle to the stage. All fondly remembered – Images courtesy of the Ephemera Society of Australia – Contributed by Greg Lynch –

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