New Broadway Theatre and Gardens

330 Albany Highway,
Victoria Park, WA 6100

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Broadway Theatre 330 Albany Highway, Victoria Park, WA - Debut Movie - The Blackbird

The West Australian (Perth, WA) Mon 11 Apr 1927, Page 10 Reports

The Broadway Theatre Victoria Park Opening Night Sat April 9, 1927

Debut Movie ‘The Blackbird, featuring Lon Chaney, at The Broadway, Victoria Park

NEW PICTURE THEATRE – A Victoria Park Enterprise.

The new Broadway Theatre at Victoria Park was opened on Saturday night by the Mayor of Perth (Mr. J. T. Franklin. The Mayor was introduced by Mr J. Totterdell (chairman of directors of Broadway Pictures), who said it was intended that patrons should have the best class of entertainment possible. Mr. Franklin said that Victoria Park had made excellent progress, of which the erection of the fine building he was opening was a further proof. The building was also evidence of the confidence the directors of the company had in the future development of the district. The building has been constructed on modern lines, and no effort has been spared to ensure the comfort of patrons. The dress circle has accommodation for about 450 people and the auditorium will seat about 1000. Tip-up seats have been provided throughout, and special attention has been paid to ventilation. The interior decorations are in brown and blue. Totterdell Bros, were the designers and builders. An excellent program was provided with musical items being given bv the Specialty Four, and the principal picture being “The Blackbird”, featuring Lon Chaney. The Blackbird is a 1926 American silent drama film directed by Tod Browning – Contributed by Greg Lynch –

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