Dunsborough Open Air Pictures

Dunsborough, WA 6281

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Possibly operating from 1935, the earliest drive-in in the area was probably that in the bush at Dunsborough, before World War II. The local patrons would drive their cars onto a clearing on Blythe’s farm property(location unknown). The cars were ranged in a rough semi circle on the slope, facing a huge canvas screen strung between two trees. The sound was broadcast from loudspeakers. The screenings stopped during the war due to blackout restrictions, and started up again after the war ended. The screenings ended about late-1940’s or early-1950’s.

There was also screenings at the Dunsborough Hall, Yallingup Hall, Meellup (on the beach),and Greenacres Cottages(location unknown). The Starlight Cinema(outdoor?) opened in the grounds of the Coconut bar & cafe on 20th February 2000(using beanbags).

Contributed by David Coppock

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davidcoppock on December 8, 2017 at 5:33 am

The movie screenings may have started in 1935?

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