Eastway Drive-In

Crake Street,
Belmont, WA 6104

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Eastway Drive-In

Located in the Ascot section of Belmont. The Eastway Drive-In was opened on 16th July 1959 with “The Admirable Crichton” and “Miami Expose” and a cartoon(not named), and the latest news. There was a theft of a quantity of cigarettes from the drive-in cafeteria on 15th January 1965. It closed for 3 years in the 1980’s and reopened, only to close finally in 1988. The drive-in site was used for a public car market from 1988 until(early/mid-1990’s). The site was replaced with a housing estate which obliterated all traces of Harold Street and Golf Street, which were approximately where Lakewood Avenue and Crake Street are now.

Contributed by David Coppock

Recent comments (view all 3 comments)

davidcoppock on August 17, 2015 at 7:38 am

There is a street named after the Eastway Drive-in at the Lakeway estate(named after the Lakeway Drive-in. later called Family Films WA, and then Oceanview Drive-in).

davidcoppock on August 29, 2018 at 8:26 am

590 cars. Closed for 3 years in the 1980’s and reopened(years unknown, but before 1988?). Eastway Drive-in was twinned(year unknown, possibly 1970’s?).

kennerado on July 5, 2022 at 8:39 am

I don’t think this was ever a twin, I’ve seen photos of it throughout its lifetime and it was always a single screen site.

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