Neptune Theatre
1303 N.E. 45th Street,
1303 N.E. 45th Street,
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This web page about the Neptune Theatre also has information about its architect, Henderson Ryan, and photos of some of his other works.
Grand opening ad from November 16th, 1921 has been posted here.
It rocked and it will be missed.
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This week I met with several of my co-workers from the Neptune when Landmark first took it over in 1982. We have an annual Holiday Lunch every year and still keep in touch! (See the 4th posting from the top). We definitely agree while sad it will no longer operate as a movie theater, at least the building will be saved, not torn down and used as an entertianment venue. With the current manager’s blessing, we are hoping to have a private “Neptune Adieu” party before the handoff to STG.
A nautical theme for cinemas and theaters up here seems to be quite popular.
Take a look at Bremerton’s historic and beautifully restored Admiral Theatre. This Navy town cares!
Landmark has announced that it will cease operating the Neptune as of February, 2011. The Seattle Theatre Group will then use it primarily as a live performance venue, after slashing its current seating capacity. The story is here: View link
I have never been there and would love to see some of the things people have been writing about. Could someone please point me to some photos showing the nautical details and the auditorium and lobby in general? My web searches are striking out. Thank you in advance.
Steve in Chicago
I have heard from a theater employee that a local transit company (Soundtransit) wants the property for the purpose of demolishing it to make way for a lightrail station.
Architect H. Ryan’s first name was Henderson. He also designed Seattle’s Liberty Theatre.
Thanks for posting those! That very well could be me in the box office in photo 1!
I went to see “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button” the day before new year’s eve. The staff there is so nice! They gave me a full “backstage” tour, up into the old pipe chambers and everything. First rate!
“Zombie Strippers” is a recent addition to the oeuvre of Miss Jameson, a distinguished thespian and ecdysiast. I believe that she will next undertake a reading of “Wuthering Heights”.
Thanks, Colin!
Good Josh, I spaced out above and thought that “neeb” requesting a link to the calendars was you also (didn’t look at the name). What the heck, I’ll scan a few and send them your way soon, and you can do with them what you please. Take care! “neeb”? – U 2 if you post an e-mail address!
Yup. It was without a doubt that I saw it with ‘Wizard of Oz’
I vaguely recall seeing ‘Last Tango in Paris’ at the Harvard Exit, but never saw any of the others.
I appreciate the offer to scan a program, but … Much as I’d like to look at one again, I’m just happy to have my question answered. For which, I’m fully beholden … Indeed, next time we’re at Dick’s it’s on me, okay?
Wasn’t me (actually) who suggested scanning and posting. On the other hand, if you do scan them I could post a link here as I’ve some badly under-used Web space lying around out there … Don’t know how to safely transmit an e-mail address on these things … but here’s my best try: mcintyre DOT josh AT gmail DOT com
Josh, Ok “Singin' in the Rain” played the Neptune on the following dates with:
Jan 13th ‘82 (with “An American in Paris”)
Oct 10th '82 (with “Wizard of Oz”)
Sept 18th '83 (with “Top Hat”)
June 30th '85 (with “An American in Paris”)
Dec 21st '87 (with “The Band Wagon”)
Nov 6th '88 (with “Wizard of Oz”)
July 16th '89 (with “An American in Paris”)
Do any of those ring a bell? Obviously our programmers liked “American in Paris” as the co-feature! Is was fun to look through those calendars again. As far as posting a link to them, I really don’t have the time/ability to do that. But, if you like contact me and I’d be glad to scan you a pdf. of some. -Colin.
I will try, Josh, maybe a couple..we are talking a lot of calendars! I’ve actually excited to look at them again myself, it’s been a few years!
Anyway you scan those schedules in and post a link here?
Old rep calendars are so much fun.
Wow! Thanks, Colin!
Again, fully mystifying, as the only “musical” I can recall attending purposefully was ‘Wizard of Oz,’ which played (at least semi-regularly) with ‘The Wiz.’
Thanks for helping me out.
Hey Josh! My Neptune film calendars are in storage, and I will grab them this weekend and let you know exactly what played with “SITR”. From memory, we definitely had “musical” double-bills, I think they were on Sundays or Wednesdays. Stay tuned..
Great that you saved those calendars!
Many thanks for letting me know about “Quadrophenia.” I’m thoroughly puzzled as why I’d have gone to see “The Kids are Alright,” as I wasn’t much of a ‘Who’ fan, but I trust your recollection. Maybe it played with “The Wanderer,” once upon a time, as I can imagine going out to see that …
Any idea what played with “Singin' in the Rain”? -Josh
Hey Josh! I saved all the “film calendars” from the era I worked there. Let me know, I can probably look those up. But I can tell you “Quadrophenia” definitely played the “The Kids are Alright” though!
I was finishing high school during the time Colin was working there.
Anyone know a place to put eyes and/or hands on one of their schedules from that era?
I am recently racking my memory to figure what movies played with “Quadrophenia” and “Singin' in the Rain,” as I know I didn’t go out to see either of those purposefully, but did see each at the Neptune as part of their regular double-feature fare.
Thanks for any pointers.
My brother and I used to visit the Neptune as pre-adolescents (1959-1961). We’d actually ride our bikes there from Sand Point, and park them out front. They’d still be there when we came out. No locks, chains or anything. We’d often ride up 45th (I think) to Dick’s Drive-In after watching Western “serials” at the Neptune. I remember seeing James Garner in “Up Periscope” at the Neptune as a first-run (1959).
I was amazed to see it’s still standing and pretty much just as I remember it (after 45 years)! Thanks everyone for the great photos. I’ve lived in Detroit since 1962. Always regretted leaving Seattle, but when you’re only 11, you don’t have a lot of say in things. :)