Amuse U Theatre

253 North Main Street,
Memphis, TN 38103

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vastor on June 1, 2013 at 2:16 pm

According to Sanborn Fire Maps, 253 N Main was near Exchange St, north of Main and Washington where the Hotel/Amuse Theatre was (in the postcard view). No photos have come to light of the Amuse U theatre.

vastor on May 31, 2013 at 9:10 pm

The postcard may be viewed at which is the First Majestic #1 (North Main).

vastor on May 31, 2013 at 9:07 pm

From elsewhere on the internet:

“The Amuse U opened c. 1913 . Closed c. 1910 The AMUSE U, a Nickelodeon, is listed in the 1909 and 1910 Memphis Directories. Angelo Barrasso is listed as the Proprietor of Amuse U Theatre in the 1910 Directory. (He was also proprietor of Amuse U Soft Drinks at 123 S. 4th) The Amuse U name is used again in 1933 for 1 year at 2424 Chelsea."

If the Amuse U Theatre was at 253 N Main St it was on the opposite side of Main from the business with the sign “Amuse” which shows in the post card photo associated with the above reference. The Theatorium/Majestic was next to the “Dinstuhl’s” sign which is on the EVEN side of Main St. (at 158 N. Main) the same side as the “Amuse” sign. They cannot be the same theatre if the above address is correct. The Hotel Read, also in the photo, has an address of 146 N. Main according to its entry on the same website. The “Amuse” sign appears to be on the Hotel Read building at 146 N. Main.

Trolleyguy on May 31, 2013 at 2:29 pm

I think it would be safe to list status as “demolished.”