Coyle Theatre

Coyle, OK 73027

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The Coyle Theatre was operating prior to 1941, and continued until at least 1950.

(Following information comes courtesy of roadsideoklahoma link)
Overall, the town of Coyle is in a pretty sad state of affairs. Several years ago, the state realigned Highway 33 around Coyle, whereas the road used to jog through town. The impact is obvious as gas stations, buildings and banks sit vacant and rotting. I went through downtown just prior to the opening of the new alignment and the town was already in a state of decay. My original visit was just a pass-through on the way to some ghost towns. Now, I fear, Coyle itself is probably considered a ghost town.

Addresses are hard to guage, as most of the buildings no longer have street addresses on them. I am pretty sure that the address assigned to this theater is now a vacant lot, the building that sat upon it long since demolished. If my approximation ends up being correct, the theater sat on a lot just to the south of an abandoned bank.

Contributed by Jeff Chapman

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raybradley on March 10, 2011 at 6:47 pm

Coyle township is falling to ruin. Your guess is as good as mine as to whether or not any of the remaining buildings once held a 200 seat cinema.
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