Vic Theatre
217 E. Walnut Street,
Green Bay,
217 E. Walnut Street,
Green Bay,
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Locals tend to refer to this theatre as the Vic Theatre, which is how it is listed here on Cinema Treasures. Fox built another theatre in town in 1929, and perhaps they did own the Orpheum for a while, but the historic property record does not show that. Here is a link to the State/National historic property record: https://wisconsinhistory.org/Records/Property/HI2226
Either way, it is a lovely example of an Art Deco facade!
50sSNIPES is correct. The Orpheum sign was still on the building in the mid-1950s, and a photo from that time was published in Boxoffice of June 2, 1958. Though the theater was advertised as the Fox Orpheum in the 1930s, the Fox Wisconsin circuit only leased the house from 1933 to 1943, after which it was independently operated as the Orpheum Theatre by Victor McCormick until he leased it to Marcus Theatres in 1956.
After it became a Fox operated theater, the Orpheum didn’t change its name to the Fox Theatre at all. It retained its Orpheum Theatre name (although it was sometimes named Fox Orpheum Theatre by advertisements for secondary purposes).
Its now a bar that my dad helps manage ive been in there and let me say this its creepy as f**k lights turn on by themselfs ive personally had something screem my name!
I noticed it on a little scrolling marque in the window of the theater. It looks like it never reopened.
The Vic is under new management and will reopen again as the Confetti Club. Opening night is April 21st.
Excerpt from: NEW ORPHEUM THEATER OPENS DOORS FRIDAY AFTERNOON Green Bay Press-Gazette September 18,1930
“HIS DREAM COMES TRUE” Harry K. Timm manager of the Orpheum theater, brings to his post an excellent background of experience in the legitimate drama, vaudeville and motion picture fields, and is regarded by the stage folk as one of the most capable managers in the middle west. Frequently in the past visiting players have remarked “It’s good to be back in a regular show-house”. Mr Timm has been manager of the Orpheum in Green Bay for 14 years. Prior to that he was with the Finn & Heiman theater circuit, later absorbed by the Orpheum circuit. Before that he was with the W. S. Butterfield chain of theaters in Michigan. Altogether, he has been in the show business for 18 years, and is thoroughly conversant with all its branches.
FIRST PROGRAM WILL BE GIVEN AT 1 O’CLOCK Organ Recital, Comedy and Four ‘Vodvil’ Acts Scheduled. Simple but impressive services all within the theater will mark the reopening of the Orpheum Friday afternoon and evening after being closed since the winter of 1929, according to Manager Harry K Timm. There will be four performances the opening day, one at 1 o’clock, one at 3:30, one at 7, and one at 9:30. The doors will open at 12:30 noon, and at 6:30 in the evening to permit the crowds to inspect the interior of the theater f before the performance starts. There will also be an intermission between the first and second shows, afternoon and night.
Just posted some articles and a picture of the outside of the theater after its 1930’s remodel. The September 18, 1930 issue of the Green Bay Press-Gazette has a very large write up about the theater.
Did you know that the downtown Green Bay redevelopment plan lists the Orpheum Theater as one of the “Cultural Anchor Enhancements” of downtown Green Bay?
How many Green Bay natives are out there? Please chime in.
Curtis, Thank you for the links. There were some photos that I have not seen before.
Interior photos and plans show up on this Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/VicTheater/ and this website: http://vic.advisormanagementllc.com/
This truly is “Green Bay’s First Theater” as it was the first structure built exclusively as a theater. Construction began in late-summer, 1899 and the theater opened with “Because She Loved Him So” in late-February, 1900. In 1912, the Marx Brothers appeared on stage at the Orpheum in “Mr. Green’s Reception.” Interior photos of the theater are most-desirable. What type of movies would one want to see at a downtown movie house in Green Bay?
The main branch of the Green Bay Public library has a couple of folders of news clippings about the theater. Some dating to when the theater opened in 1900. The clippings are a good read. It read like no expense was spared when the theater was renovated in the 1930s. It would be real nice to see some interior pictures of the theater if anyone has them. The library has a couple of photos of the exterior and interior, but they are of poor quality. It would be nice to have a downtown movie house in Green Bay.
December 23rd, 1957 grand opening ad as Vic in photo section. It opened on Christmas Day.
August 25th, 1933 grand opening as a Fox theatre. Shortly after the Fox theatre was renamed Bay.
September 30th, 1912 grand opening ad in photo section.
I am looking at the June 2, 1958 article from Box Office right now. It was called the Vic Theatre (with the sign) by 1958, but it actually was leased by the Marcus Corp. in late 1955, though the magazine says 1956. It was immediately called the Vic, though they didn’t get the official sign up until 1958.
Typed into Google Maps itself, the address displays just fine and the Vic is easy to spot.
Google Maps is placing this theater on West Walnut Street instead of East Walnut, even though the address listed above is correct. I’ve seen a couple of other pages where Google misplaces its pin icon by a considerable distance, despite the correct addresses being listed.
I wonder how long the name Capitol lasted on this theater, or if it was used at all? It was definitely called the Orpheum in 1957. In “before” photo used by Boxoffice in its 1958 article about the recent remodeling of the house (at the first link in my previous comment,) the theater has the name Orpheum on its vertical sign, and the feature on the marquee is the 1957 Gregory Peck-Lauren Bacall movie “Designing Woman.” The newspaper ad for the reopening of the house as the Vic (at the lower right corner of the same page) also has the words “Formerly Orpheum” on it, just below the second instance of the name Vic.
It’s possible that there was a last-minute change in plans, of which the author of the 1931 newspaper article datelined Manitowoc was unaware. The article does say that “The canopy sign of the New Capitol will blaze forth in renewed glory tonight, for electricians were busy today equipping the sign with an entire new system of lighting.” Perhaps if the reporter had made a run to Green Bay to check, he’d have seen that the Orpheum sign was being installed instead of a Capitol sign.
The opening feature for the Vic was “April Love,” also released in 1957, so that’s the year the house got that name. Marcus Theatres, according to Boxoffice, had taken over the lease on the Orpheum in 1956.
(Manitowoc, February 20, 1931)
The Orpheum theater at Green Bay, which was recently entirely rebuilt and operated since it was opened by Harry K. Timm, passed into new hands yesterday following foreclosure of a land contract under which Mr. Timm was purchasing the new showhouse from Dr. J. R. Minahan. Miss Virginia Den Doven was appointed receiver and for the present will have charge of the operation of the theater at Green Bay.
The Orpheum was recently rebuilt by Dr. Minahan at a cost of $300,000. The old structure was almost entirely torn down and a modern building erected. This work was done by Joseph Rezash, Two Rivers contractor. Mr. Timm had managed the old Orpheum for nearly 20 years.
The New Capitol theater will pass into new hands tonight when R. S. Guiterman, independent theater operator will assume active control of the playhouse. And the occasion will be made much of at a gala opening, featured by speech making and the premiere showing in Wisconsin of the Paramount feature “Stolen Heaven” starring Nancy Carroll.
Large floral pieces reached the theater office this afternoon, not only from fellow exhibitors in Wisconsin and from film booking offices, but also from Manitowoc citizens, testimonial of their interest in the new regime at the theater. Proceeding the program tonight there will be a short automobile parade in which those taking part in the program will ride. The canopy sign of the New Capitol will blaze forth in renewed glory tonight, for electricians were busy today equipping the sign with an entire new system of lighting.
Receives Many Telegrams
Inside the theater patrons will be greeted with an enlarged screen, the position of which has been moved forward to bring a change that will add to the visibility and general sound qualities. In addition to the floral offerings received by Mr. Guiterman, numerous telegrams have also been received from theater men and executives and also from moving picture stars and celebrities in Hollywood wishing the new manager here success in his new field. Judge Albert H. Schmidt will preside as master of ceremonies at the speaking program on the stage of the theater at 7:30 this evening. He will officially welcome Mr. Guiterman to Manitowoc and in turn will introduce the other speakers who will give brief talks. These will include Mayor Martin Georgenson of this city and Mayor Herman Schuelke of Sheboygan. Illness will prevent Fred Meyers, Milwaukee president of the Motion Picture Theater Owners Association of Wisconsin from attending tonight, but another official of that organization will be here to extend the welcome of the theater owners and managers of Wisconsin to Mr. Guiterman. Allen Usher, Milwaukee, district manager of the Paramount-Publlx corporation, film distributors, will be present and talk. Representatives of the daily press of Manitowoc will welcome Mr. Guiterman to the city.
The short speaking program over, the picture program will continue.
Tomorrow night will inaugurate a new feature here, midnight showing of the Sunday feature, following the final showing of the Saturday program at which patrons may see both programs for the one admission price.
A two-page article about the Vic Theatre begins on this page of the June 2, 1958, issue of Boxoffice. It features before and after photos of the facade, as well as a few photos of the remodeled interior.
One of the photos, depicting the foyer, had appeared on the cover of Boxoffice for May 5, 1958.
The article also says that the Green Bay Theatre was renamed the Jay-Are Theatre in 1912, after being purchased by J.R. Minahan, and was renamed the Orpheum after Minahan leased the house to Harry K. Timm the following year. Fox Wisconsin took over the lease of the Orpheum in 1933, and in 1943 the theater was bought by Victor L. McCormick. Marcus Theatres began leasing the Orpheum in 1956. When the subsequent remodeling was done the house was presumably renamed the Vic for Victor McCormick, then still the owner of the building.