Central Theatre

270 Queen's Road Central,
Hong Kong

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hhpy on July 5, 2011 at 7:05 am

Superb photos.

Suwanti on July 3, 2011 at 1:33 pm

Chinese name:中央戲院.

Suwanti on November 14, 2010 at 6:58 am

Its Chinese name is 中央戲院.

An article published by the Hong Kong Daily Press had further information of the theatre which was omitted by the South China Morning Post article.

The lifts of the theatre are Way-Good Ortis.
The theatre is equipped with two Simplex machinesof the latest design.
On the dome, which is over the auditorium, is a painting depicting the scenes of one of Mei Lan Fong(梅蘭芳)’s favourite acts Tin Nui San Fa(天女散花),the literal translation of which is “ Fairy Distributing Flowers.” This as well as other mural paintings, was carried out by Tai San.
There is a waiting room on the ground floor, and this might be converted into a restaurant as may be required.