Reading Drive-In

5314 Allentown Pike,
Temple, PA 19560

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Tiny rivest266

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August 26th, 1949 grand opening ad

August 26th, 1949 grand opening ad

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Comments (1)

wlandis65 on March 23, 2018 at 7:33 pm

I grew up living very close by this Drive-In Theater. As a kid, enjoyed watching a few movies at this theater with my friends and family. There was a nearby playground up on a hill, that if you were hanging out at until dusk, you could sneak a peak at the movie showing on the screen but could not hear what it was saying without a car speaker. Unfortunately, the Drive-In screen sustained some fire damage and word was it was due to someone playing with fireworks or matches. Many of the Drive-In car speakers were tampered with and destroyed by people and eventually around 1984 the theater was closed. Sam’s Club now stands in it’s old location. Would love to have Drive-In Theater’s make a come back in Pennsylvania. Good Wholesome Family Entertainment, cheap! It brought people together!

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