Pavilion Theatre

Kuala Lumpur

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Previously operated by: Cathay Organisation

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Pavilion Theatre

The Pavilion Theatre was the first Cathay Organisation cinema and opened in 1935. It was located next to another popular Cathay Organisation’s cinema – The Cathay Kuala Lumpur.

Originally, Pavilion showed mostly English movies until Cathay was opened in the 1950s. From then, Pavilion shown mostly Chinese movies and occasionally showed some B-graded English movies, Walt Disney’s reruns and Hollywood blockbuster movies simultaneously with Cathay Kuala Lumpur.

Before the emergence of cineplexes, Pavilion drew crowds especially during the weekends and holidays as it was the first-run movie hall along with Cathay Kuala Lumpur at that time. Pavilion was also popular because of its location, which was located a few blocks from the shopping hub of Kuala Lumpur. People who were driving along that road would definitely be distracted by the huge movie poster board attached in front of the cinema building displaying the feature movie. Once in a while movie stars from Hong Kong would make apperences at the Pavilion to promote their films and to meet fans. Most people would identify Pavilion with Bruce Lee’s movies, and Chinese classics from Hong Kong.

Sadly, the Pavilion Theatre was closed in 1996 and was converted into a dance club and later closed again. It was finally demolished in 2000. The site where Pavilion once stood is now a parking lot.

Contributed by Augustine Heng

Recent comments (view all 1 comments)

ginosz on January 1, 2011 at 11:14 am

i watched last in 1991 TERMINATOR 2 on the first saturday of its screening in malaysia. as i waited in the line for 30 mins, the bhai selling the tickets hung a sign LAST 2 TICKETS.i bought it. and the experience of watching it from the balcony/reserved class was unforgettable.

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