The end? Boxoffice, Feb. 26, 1955: “The Sunset Drive-In, Jackson’s only airer, was destroyed by fire, with damages estimated at $15,000. The entire concession stand, as well as projection equipment, merchandise and merchandising equipment and two restrooms were demolished. Mack Foreman and L. P. Finley, co-owners, said they believed the fire was started due to defective wiring. The building and its contents were only partially covered by insurance.”
The end? Boxoffice, Feb. 26, 1955: “The Sunset Drive-In, Jackson’s only airer, was destroyed by fire, with damages estimated at $15,000. The entire concession stand, as well as projection equipment, merchandise and merchandising equipment and two restrooms were demolished. Mack Foreman and L. P. Finley, co-owners, said they believed the fire was started due to defective wiring. The building and its contents were only partially covered by insurance.”
Sunset Drive-in in Aiken County, S.C. but in the town of Jackson,S.C.
It did have a short life,but Aiken S.C. went drive-in crazy at that time maybe the bomb plant had something to do with it.