Hillsboro III Theatres

3306 W. Hillsborough Avenue,
Tampa, FL 33614

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rivest266 on October 1, 2017 at 7:22 pm

August 2nd, 1973 ad

Found on Newspapers.com

rivest266 on September 30, 2017 at 11:36 pm

This opened on November 20th, 1969. Newspaper article below:

Found on Newspapers.com

Nick DiMaggio
Nick DiMaggio on November 5, 2011 at 5:58 am

Wow! I didn’t think the slope was that extreme but if cars were flooded that bad it was much worse than I thought. I also saw “Superman” here in 1978. It was one of the opening attractions at the Hillsboro after the theatre had been divided into two auditoriums. Do you remember the original large theatre before they sliced it up?

tampapix on November 4, 2011 at 11:09 pm

I saw Superman here at the indoor theater, either in Dec. 1978 or early 1979. Notice the slope of the parking lot; it was high in one part, but had a slight bowl shape low elsewhere, maybe with a storm drain in the lowest part. I don’t recall if it was the time I saw Superman; but one evening there was a typical Tampa downpour during the movie, unknown to anyone watching the movie in the theater. When the movie ended and we went out to our cars, the whole lowest lying area of the parking lot flooded. Dozens of cars parked in that part of the lot were flooded halfway up to the door handles. Luckily, I was not one parked there. -Dan Perez

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers on January 12, 2011 at 9:04 pm

Dec.30 1983 has Joe Taylor managing this Tampa Theatre.

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers on December 9, 2010 at 12:33 am

Thanks Nick,great to look at.

Nunzienick on May 29, 2010 at 5:23 am

Exterior of the new Hillsboro I Rocking Chair Theatre building nearing completion in this November 1969 photo. Note top rear of the Hillsboro Drive-in’s new steel screen visible above roof of building on opposite side. The drive-in was renamed Hillsboro II for a time.
View link

Nunzienick on May 15, 2010 at 3:51 am

Yes, I’ll be waiting to see them too. I also have quite a few photos/ads/flyers from Mike as well as myself to post as soon as I have the time to become acquainted with this scanner. But first I need to set-up an account with one of those photo sharing websites. What I need to do is just sit down and do it!!

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers on May 15, 2010 at 12:33 am

Can’t wait to see them, Hope Nick will know.

TLSLOEWS on May 14, 2010 at 11:18 pm

Do not know Mike, she posted that she put them on when she can. I have some more photos that I am getting someone here to scan to e-mail back to me so that I can post them.I have a photo from 1940 of the manager of the BELLE MEADE THEATRE and a story that I will post. I have not seen many, if any at all of former Managers posted on C.T.I was looking on Nicks home page when I found this theatre and saw that you had left the last post so I could not help but leave a comment.

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers on May 14, 2010 at 11:03 pm

IT took you a LONG time to thank me.HOW is Robin coming with your pictures? I want to see them!

TLSLOEWS on May 14, 2010 at 10:48 pm

Thanks again Mike.

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers on February 23, 2010 at 1:49 am

In December 1983 the manager was Joe Taylor and the theatre was a PLITT THEATRE.

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers on November 21, 2009 at 2:13 am

The Still was from that John Wayne & Rock Hudson film. Found it at the Miller Theatre.

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers on November 21, 2009 at 2:11 am

Nick, I met Dub Taylor of THE UNDEFEATED and he signed a 8 by 10 color picture for me. He grew up in Augusta.

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers on November 1, 2009 at 3:05 am

Nick. I left a comment on THE TODD THEATRE. Oh, I wrote Bill a letter telling him we need his help on background on the Aiken Theatres.I told him too either send you or me the info. Maybe you could send him a run off on the IMPERIAL OR THE FOX DRIVE in.

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers on November 1, 2009 at 3:04 am

Nick. I left a comment on THE TODD THEATRE. Oh, I wrote Bill a letter telling him we need his help on background on the Aiken Theatres.I told him too either send you or me the info. Maybe you could send him a run off on the IMPERIAL OR THE FOX DRIVE in.

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers on October 28, 2009 at 8:48 pm

Like i said earlier i can not believe a major chain doing such a thing. Yeah, Drive-ins would break in on the sound during the second feature to announce the food stand was closing. Never heard of such a thing. Has anyone else?

Nunzienick on October 28, 2009 at 5:18 am

Thanks Mike! This is great! It’s amazing you found this! Appreciate you taking the time to post it here word-for-word. It’s always exciting to find articles on your local theatres in those great old Boxoffice magazines.

Regarding Hillsboro I: here’s some additional information I had forgotten to include in my posting.

I was just thinking about this today. For a time the management of Hillsboro I had instituted a policy of inserting an intermission midway through the feature. Regardless of how short the film was, at midpoint the intermission card would flash up on the screen followed by the closing of the curtain.

The audience’s response was usually: “Whaaaatt?” (and sometimes worse). Let’s be realistic here…a short feature like the 81-minute long “Let It Be” does NOT need an intermission midway through.
Poor management decision on that one although we all know the reasoning behind it…let’s get that extra concessions revenue in.

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers on October 27, 2009 at 12:48 am


Tampa- FLORDIA STATE THEATRES is building Flordia’s indoor- outdoor theatre complex by adding a 1.000 seat theatre on a site adjacent to the HILLSBORO DRIVE – IN. The new theatre will known has the HILLSBORO ONE.

When its indoor half is ready for operation next summer, the drive-in will be renamed the HILLSBORO TWO .IT is on the Hillsborough ave. near Dale Marby Highway.

The indoor theatre , designed by Jacksonville architect Robert Broward,will incorporate all the latest theatre items.And Design. It will be able to show virtually every size and type of motion picture being produced.

Bob Harris, FST District manager, said that a unique traffic pattern is being worked on for the dual theatres which include a large, landscaped and brightly lighted parking area for the HILLSBORO ONE without interfering with operation of its outdoor counterpart.

The drive – in , built in 1941 as Tampa’s first outdoor theatre will be remodeled before the indoor theatre is open.

From BOXOFFICE MAGAZINE Southeast edition FEb 10 1969.

Nick, hope you enjoy this added to your GREAT article.Hope it makes up for ALL the theatre stories you help me with. Glad i save old theatre magazines, found that one in the old MILLER theatre.

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers on October 24, 2009 at 10:45 pm

Nick, Sean said screens at EVANS 14 are equipped to run 35mm or over the Digital system. I guess one day 35mm will be a thing of the past. I always enjoyed watching them build a film.any clips went in my hand. I have a BOX full. THEY have two Digital theatres.

Coate on October 19, 2009 at 8:40 pm

Thanks, Nick, for the comprehensive overview of the Hillsboro. If only every theater entry on Cinema Treasures was like that! You offered a nice balance of history (which I like) and personal reminiscences (which most CT readers seem to want).

*"The one big plus was the installation of Dolby Stereo in Hillsboro I. I do not recall any other theatre in Tampa during this time that had a Dolby installation. To my knowledge the Hillsboro I was the only house in town with Dolby in 1978." *

Info contained in Dolby Labs' late 1970s installation records, of which I have a copy, match your recollection. The success of that Hillsboro installation, no doubt, led to additional installations. By 1980, for instance, there were several “Tampa Bay” area Dolby houses, including…

Bradenton (UA DeSoto Square Mall)
Clearwater (Plitt Sunshine Mall)
Pinellas Park (GCC Pinellas Square)
Sarasota (AMC Sarasota 6)
Sarasota (Plitt Plaza)
St. Petersburg (AMC Tyrone Square)

From that point on, it was common for just about every newly-built theater to include Dolby on at least one or two of its screens.

(Nick…please email me if you see this posting. I have a question for you. My email address is listed in my profile. I would contact you but you didn’t post any contact details.)

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers on October 17, 2009 at 4:13 pm

The first ultravision theatre i saw was the GASTON MALL theatre. It had different feel to from what i was use to. We never had an ULTRAVISION theatre in Augusta.IT must have been a great place and theatre complex.Living in large cities such as Tampa has a lot of Drawbacks, but the selection of theatres is a dream. especially when you had a good friend that showed movies in such great theatres. Mr, Charlie!