Glenelg Cinema Centre

119 Jetty Road,
Adelaide, SA 5045

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davidcoppock on April 1, 2020 at 5:39 am

This site is now a bank(Commonwealth Bank), and a phone store(Telstra Shop).

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers on April 5, 2011 at 6:29 pm

Great looking picture.

jaydee on February 2, 2009 at 4:47 am

It seems hard to believe that with a new shopping complex being built next door, and being situated in one of the prime tourist areas in Adelaide that this cinema, with modernisation, couldn’t have survived. Sadly, over the last couple of years it has been neglected, and in many ways has been left to run down. Even its huge function area, which could hold 700 people, and its extensive catering facilities were hardly used. Over the years tens of thousands of people had been served food and beverages prior to a movie. Now this is all just a memory. Glenelg wasn’t just a cinema, nor just an icon, it was a way of life, now “Gone With The Wind”.