Lorain Twin Cinemas

3907 Pearl Avenue,
Lorain, OH 44052

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Scott_D on June 8, 2015 at 4:27 pm

I saw so many movies here in the early 80s. Monday night was “Ladies Night” so entry was had for $1, and we sure took advantage of it. We loved scary movies at the time so here’s a selection of what we viewed at this cinema: One Dark Night, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Children of the Corn, Evil Dead, American Werewolf in London, etc…

The place was run (at the time) by two men, who I would later find out were a couple. One was a dark haired man who always seemed very nice, but was said to have died in a small plane crash. The other was a blonde man who was not as friendly as the other. But still, the memories of this cinema are special to me, though it’s unfortunate that there’s not really anything left of it.

rivest266 on January 20, 2014 at 7:50 pm

March 5th, 1974 grand opening ad as Oakwood Twin has been uploaded in the photo secton. It was renamed Lorain Twin in 1979 and closed 1993.