![Cinema Treasures](/images/app/logo.png?1726509117)
Adelphi Kinema
127 Main Road, Sea Point,
Cape Town
127 Main Road, Sea Point,
Cape Town
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The photograph and the location point do not match. We visited Sea Point in September 2019 and walked past the location point. There is clearly a former cinema here but it’s not the Adelphi shown in the pictures. According to Joe Voegel’s comment, the Adelphi was some 790m closer to the city centre along Main Road. This link shows the current view: https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@-33.9168436,18.3887843,3a,75y,240.1h,104.39t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1se62fQIJF-45881euvcj32w!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en-GB&authuser=0
Street View is a block too far north, but the Google map’s pin icon is about ten blocks too far south. The Adelphi’s building was at the northeast corner of Main Road and Rhine Road.
And Walgate should have only one “l”.
Photos of the Adelphi Kinema and two other theaters here. The Adelphi was in a splendid Streamline Modern building with a rounded end at the corner of Rhine Road. The site is currently occupied by a Pic ‘n Pay store in a building that is anything but splendid.