ABC Cathay Theatre

Wanchai Road,
Hong Kong

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The residential building built on the site of the former ABC Cathay Theatre

The ABC Cathay Theatre was situated in the Wanchai district on Hong Kong Island. It was built on the site of the Cathay Theatre.

It was a high-rise multiplex with auditorium on the first, third and fifth floor of the theatre building respectively, while the spacious lobby was on the ground floor. A lift connecting the three auditoriums with the lobby was installed for the benefit of the physical handicapped patrons.

The theatre opened to business on 16th August, 1986 and showed first run English
language and Chinese dialect films until its closure on 11th July, 1997.

A residential building was built on the site of the theatre.

Contributed by Raymond Lo

Recent comments (view all 1 comments)

Suwanti on May 31, 2011 at 1:50 am

Its Chinese name is 國泰戲院abc.

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