AMC Northpark 15

8687 N. Central Expressway,
Dallas, TX 75225

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ridethectrain on August 20, 2024 at 9:34 am

PLEASE UPDATE, TOTAL SEATS IS NOW 2987 WITH LESS SEATING IN DOLBY AND IMAX HOUSE. Theatre 1 96 seats Theatre 2,3, 4, 12 and 13 164 seats Theatre 5 215 Theatre 6 and 10 294 seats Theatre 7 246 seats Theatre 8 360 IMAX WITH LASER Theatre 9 232 Dolby Cinema at AMC (Recliners) Theatre 11 195 seats Theatre 14 138 seats Theatre 15 98 seats

dallasmovietheaters on January 12, 2023 at 12:50 pm

The Dreamscape had VR goggles and sensors on your person and your choice of three titles taking you to a small room in which you and your friends would experience a virtual reality world with an assigned task. Dallas' AMC Northpark Dreamscape launched in 2019 and closed in January of 2023.

poland626 on August 14, 2019 at 7:25 am

Has anyone tried Dreamscape yet? What is it, exactly??

Giles on March 23, 2019 at 10:38 am

Theater also has a Dolby Cinema auditorium and IMAX (laser)

Chris Utley
Chris Utley on October 6, 2017 at 8:26 pm

Overrated movie theatre in an overcrowded mall with bad bad parking!

rivest266 on August 2, 2015 at 4:27 pm

May 5th, 2006 grand opening ad in photo section.

Movies-N-Things on September 14, 2011 at 11:11 pm

I gotta hand it to them this one is one of the nicest AMC theaters I’ve been to. The only downside is it is inside the mall.