Azteca Theatre

408 Flood Street,
Wichita Falls, TX 76301

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rivest266 on November 26, 2021 at 12:54 pm

The Azteca theatre placed its first ad on July 16th, 1948.

imaxman on June 22, 2011 at 11:51 pm

Hi Chuck The 904 address is from the upper corner of google maps, street view, I just looked again, and the building that I remember as a large drug store has the number 800 on the glass door. So the Tejano Club next door could be 802 to 810 or thereabouts. This appears to be about the size a 200 seat theatre would be. Again I’m going from memory about 50 years ago. I hope to return sometime and check old newspapers, The Wichita was a first run theatre, I hope to find a newspaper Ad from December 65, I just checked IMDB and “Doctor Zhivago” was released in December 1965. That is the timeframe I was there. The projectionist union wanted to hire me as a projectionist but I was not old enough. I started running theatre projectors when I was 14, and pretty much self taught. I have done that all my life except for my military time and 5 years in a movie lab here in California. IMAX Jack

imaxman on June 22, 2011 at 11:43 am

There is a possibility that the Tejano Scorpion Club at 904 Indiana Avenue Wichita Falls, TX 76301 Google maps, is the old Azteca Theatre, I’m thinking back almost 50 years, I remember seeing a movie there “Torero Por Un Dia” with an actor Pipporo, similar to Cantinflas. The building next door was a large drug store., and of coarse down the street is the Wichita and “Dr Zahavigo” was playing there in 70mm. That’s the best time frame I can give. I will try to have the Library look up a newspaper add from that period. IMAX Jack