Highland Theater

413 E. Park Avenue,
Anaconda, MT 59711

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Highland Theater Anaconda MT

The Highland Theater is listed in the 1941 and the 1943 Film Daily Yearbook. The Highland Theater is not listed in the 1950 Film Daily Yearbook. The Highland Theater was the smallest of three theaters operating in Anaconda, Montana in the 1940’s. The other two theaters being the Bluebird Theater and the Washoe Theater.

Contributed by Ken Roe / Ken MC / Lost Memory

Recent comments (view all 6 comments)

kencmcintyre on August 9, 2007 at 2:29 pm

This is from the Montana Standard, 10/13/39. We believe this to be the Highland:


ANACONDA, Oct. 12.â€" The building formerly occupied by the Fuller Drug store at 415 East Park avenue Will be remodeled Into a modern theater, it was announced today by Joseph A. English, manager of the Washoe and Bluebird theaters here and purchaser of the East Park avenue building. Second-run pictures will be shown at the theater on its completion.

glagow on August 23, 2010 at 9:17 pm

does anyone have any photos of the Highland?

glagow on August 23, 2010 at 9:18 pm

Or does anyone have any suggestions of where to look for Highland photos

DavidDynamic on October 27, 2011 at 12:19 am

While I was snooping around on the street view for the Bluebird I discovered what just had to be a small simple art deco theater. That was before reading this page. Ken’s post confirms what I discovered but I got the usages of the building backwards. They did one fine job on the remodel since it looks like it was purpose built on the spot—the recessed entryway, the double doors on either side of a presumed box office window, the nice curved corners, and the stepped parapet (probably original). This building is two doors down from the Pizza Hut toward Chestnut. Fuller Drug Company is still very clear on the building. So hopefully mystery solved.

DavidDynamic on October 27, 2011 at 10:48 pm

Snagged a street view picture from Google Earth—I hope it is ok to have posted it. The aerial view of this building shows that it is incredibly long compared to its width and height.

Chris1982 on July 23, 2014 at 2:36 am

The Bluebird Theatre has the same address listed as this theatre. I think this is the correct address for the Highland Theatre but not for the Bluebird.

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