Home Theater

3749 W. 26th Street,
Chicago, IL 60623

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Joe Vogel
Joe Vogel on April 7, 2012 at 6:43 am

I’ve discovered that it was a different house called the Home Theatre that partly collapsed in 1912. A brief mention of the event in the December 20 issue of Chicago Commerce says that the collapse of the roof had taken place at the Home Theatre on Milwaukee Avenue. That means it must have been the house that later became the Wicker Park Theatre.

Joe Vogel
Joe Vogel on January 12, 2010 at 7:40 am

The roof of the Home Theatre collapsed on December 9, 1912, not long after it had opened. A year later, architect David Saul Klafter was cleared of charges stemming from the event, as told in the trade journal The Motion Picture world of January 10, 1914.