Colonial Theatre

1724 Main Street,
Port Norris, NJ 08349

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Colonial Theater

Built by Jacob Rosenfeld, a former projectionist, in 1948. The theatre was run by Jacob and his wife Mildred until 1958, when it closed. It was demolished shortly thereafter.

Oddly, not listed in the 1951 or 1956 Film Daily Yearbooks.

Contributed by tc

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Crazy Bob Madara
Crazy Bob Madara on September 18, 2006 at 7:51 pm

This theatre is now an empty lot located on Main St(CR 553)next to Newcombs Market on the south side. There are still tell-tale signs on the side walk of where the entrance was. I have recently retired as a rural letter carier in Port Norris, and some of the old timers can remember The Colonial. Froggy Dagastine told me that he worked as a relief projectionist for a guy named “Jake” back in the fifties. He said that Jake also had a theatre in nearby Woodbine. Froggy told me that another theatre existed in Port Norris at an earlier time called the Love Joy.

Austinmichael on March 4, 2017 at 3:51 am

Jake Rosenfeld is still alive at 98 years old he is my grandfather and Millie is also alive 87, still reside in Woodbine, NJ

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