Loew's Mt. Vernon Theatre

30 Stevens Avenue,
Mount Vernon, NY 10550

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Texas2step on October 5, 2018 at 8:53 am

This one opened on April 11, 1925. The feature film was “Seven Chances” with Buster Keaton.

smayer on September 1, 2011 at 5:16 am

I knew Loew’s very well in the 1950’s and early 1960"s. In 1952, I saw two black and white horror features in one afternoon: Frankenstein with Boris Karloff and Dracula with Bela Lugosi. When I was in junior high school, the “Bridge over the River Kwai” was playing and my boy scout troop built a replica of the bridge (lashed wood structure) and it was put atop the ticketbox. I still have the picture from the Daily Argus!

lgk697386 on July 14, 2010 at 3:19 am

Definitely not Loews…..

TLSLOEWS on February 4, 2010 at 12:48 pm

Nice pitcure mp775.Never heard of this Loews before.

mp775 on March 26, 2008 at 1:57 am

The link I posted on 9/26/07 no longer works; use this instead:

Loew’s Mt. Vernon, late 1940s

mp775 on September 27, 2007 at 5:47 am

This photo shows the Loew’s Mt. Vernon in the late 1940s.

kencmcintyre on February 3, 2007 at 12:58 pm

This theater was at Park and Elm in Mount Vernon in 1933, but it is unidentified. It doesn’t appear to be one of the three listed to date. Any ideas?

lgk697386 on July 25, 2006 at 5:23 am

This was a terrific theater that I frequented as a kid in the 60s. The first movie I ever saw was in this theater: Tom Thumb. I also saw the Beatles in a Hard Day’s Night there the first day the film opened. Also, remember vividly Bye Bye Birdie.

The theater had a huge smoking lounge on the second level. Also, the lobby was enormous with two tall staircases that took you to the balcony.

I saw Jerry Lewis appear there on a theater publicity tour for The Nutty Professor.

I believe the theater closed around 1968, as did the wonderful RKO Proctor’s a block away. The latter’s building remained virtually intact up until very recently. Loews, however, was almost immediately razed for an ugly parking garage which still remains an eyesore right across the street from City Hall.

Mount Vernon lost all it charm when these two wonderful places closed.

NYeddie on March 19, 2006 at 11:33 am

The photo with the trolley is a view from W. 1st St, which is across the railroad cut that was behind the theatre. The Lowe’s sign in that photo was on the left side of the theatre, facing N. 5th Ave (now aka Sharpe Blvd N). The photo with the marquee is actually the front (and only) entrance to the theatre. (Look closely, you can see the icket booth on the right side of the entrance.) It faced Roosevelt Sq South. Directly across from the theatre is Mount Vernon’s City Hall.

I remember going to a couple of movies there as a very young boy, the most memorable was the local premiere of The Beatles “A Hard Days Night.” Couldn’t hear a thing over the screaming girls! :–)