Roxy Theatre

69 George Street,
Sydney, NSW 2150

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rivest266 on July 15, 2016 at 11:17 am

August 27th, 1976 grand opening ad as a 3-plex in the photo section.

Twincam96 on November 3, 2015 at 4:40 am

The Roxy was recently under threat again and is currently closed.

johnph on June 26, 2014 at 4:44 am

As assistant operator to Cecil De Lorey IN 1967/68 it was a great theatre to work , Cec was a top teacher ,to much more to mention , although the way I gained entry to the place to start work to this day after all mods over the years has not been changed:.My secret.

sherlock39 on April 20, 2012 at 3:35 am

I visited this theatre during a school holiday performance. The film was Supergirl and they had a young boy playing a Hammond Organ. In the overview it mentions a Knight Barret playing the original organ however his surname was actually Barnett I have a copy of an LP record of him playing at the Conn theatre organ in Adelaide

twalker on November 18, 2011 at 2:47 am

I have lived in Parramatta for 20yrs and used to go to the Roxy regularly even before I lived here. My girlfriend (now wife) was from Carlingford and we used to have a movie deal where we had an Italian meal at one of the shops alongside the forecourt and a movie for $11 each. My wifes family are 5th generation Parramatta people and my mother in law remembers when the Roxy was opened there were large spotlights either side of the door at the top of the stairs that lit up the night and the street was very alive with people.

Mark747 on November 20, 2010 at 9:17 am

1942 Auditorium photos:
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Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers on June 30, 2010 at 9:38 pm

Beautiful theatre.

TLSLOEWS on May 26, 2010 at 5:47 pm

Very nice photos and slideshow.

Ken Roe
Ken Roe on April 2, 2010 at 5:37 pm

A vintage photograph of the Roxy Theatre in the 1930’s:
View link

stevemaggs01 on August 28, 2006 at 9:21 pm
The website features photos of the building as it is now

distopia84 on May 29, 2006 at 1:18 am

hi all.
i a hoping some of you will help with some research im doing on cinema for entertainment in the western suburbs.
If any of you have any memories of going to the cinema (roxy, astra, crest)between the 30’s – 50’s i would really appreciate it.

You can email me on this part
i have a short questionarie if you would like to fill it out.
Any help would be appreciated, as i don’t know many people that can give me any first han history of the cinemas

RKLT on April 30, 2006 at 10:38 pm

As a local the Roxy and the nearby Astra were the nearest cinemas to me. The Astra was long ago demolished for offices but the Roxy really has no competition for its forecourt and layout – at least in Australia. Very glad it has been saved. Who knows – maybe the hideous multiplexing may go one day….

Suwanti on July 3, 2005 at 1:37 am

I am glad to learn that the building of the theatre have been preserved and reopened as an entertainment centre with restaurants ,bars and a cabaret venue.

Hong Kong also had a first run theatre named Roxy [in Causeway Bay district]and it was demolished in 1974 and rebuilt as a residential complex.

PAULB on April 29, 2005 at 7:28 am

Dear Rex, It is preserved and is in safe hands now as an entertainment centre with restaurants bars and a 700 seat cabaret/music venue. The new owners, the palace Hotels group have done a great job. PAUL.

mrt1924 on April 28, 2005 at 10:03 pm

I hope they don’t demolish it but preserve it for the future.

JimRankin on May 27, 2004 at 6:04 am

It is amazing how many theatres are named ROXY in imitation of the once famous name of the New York City panjandrum of the movie palace: Samual Lionel Rothapfel = “Roxy”. His namesake was the famous ROXY THEATRE in NYC, which outlasted him by only 25 years when it was demolished in 1960. The whole story is in that landmark book “The Best Remaining Seats: The Story of the Golden Age of the Movie Palace” by the late Ben M. Hall in 1961. Various editions of it are sometimes available from, but only the first edition contains the color plates.

PAULB on January 4, 2004 at 11:10 pm

January 2004:The Roxy IS being preserrved and now renovated. My understanding as of right this minute is that the main upstairs cinema will be restored as is and used for premieres and events. the 2 stupid concrete box horrors downstairs will be made into a nightclub and a restaurant. The front and building perimiter is being restored and renovated along with all the best aspects of thsi sensational venue. A big thankyou to whoever is the entrepreneur and you can contact me anytime

jefferywalker on December 29, 2003 at 5:43 am

Things are happening to the ‘old gal’. I went walking past their recently and noticed that the theatre has been re-painted from top to bottom. Does anyone know what is happening? Is the building to be a night club or theatre again.
Posted by Jeffery Walker

PiotrSkonieczny on October 24, 2003 at 5:34 am

Working at Roxy for 4 years, I had the pleasure to “get to know” this extraordinary building. I say “get to know” because this is more than just a building. You can almost feel that it has “presence”. That it is watching over you as you watch over “her”. “The Grand Lady” as some patrons refered to it.

A large courtyard between the gates and the front enterance is one of the unique features that distinguish Roxy from other cinemas in Australia. Cuddled by two wing-buildings that reach the gates, this area is an ideal place to hang around before a movie.

The main foyer has changed quite a lot from the original. I, of course did not see the original foyer of Roxy, but many stories from patrons and workers paint an amazing picture. Patrons walking through the main enterance were greeted by a ticket box in the centre of the foyer. The wall behind the ticket box, where now stands the Candy Bar, featured a cascading fountain.
Above the ticket box, a masterfully built wooden ceiling from which hangs a chandelier.

In the far corner are entrances to Cinema 2 and Cinema 3. Two of the smaller theatres. In between these theatres the bio area (projection room) for both. Each theatre holds (from memory) ~250 seats.

On the left and right from the centre of the foyer, stairs now lead to the main theatre, Cinema 1, and the lounge area. Walls around the frame of the entry point of the stairs, are ordained with beautifull mozaic-patterned tiles.

The lounge area itself, is the same size as the foyer, except that a large piece of the centre is cut-out exposing the foyer below.

Cinema 1 holds ~550 seats which climb, in rows, approximatly 20 metres up to the back wall. Behind that wall is the Cinema 1 bio box (projection room).

The scren itself is LARGE (I do not remember the exact measurements). In front of it hangs a beautiful curtain. It too is a BIG in size, while it’s deep red colour is at it’s best when illuminated by a number of spot lights on the walls of the theatre.

The screen and curtain are actually on a stage which measures about the width of the theatre and is about 15 metres deep into what is the first row os seats.

Behind the screen (and the speakers) there is now a storage area. In the early days of the cinema this areas was still part of the theatre while the screen was deeper, right against the back wall of the now storage area.

Actually, a lot has changed. The two bottom cinemas where actually the floor level of the main theatre. While Cinema 1, was a balcony. Together, they formed what used to be the 1900+ seat Grand Theatre.

Details and stories are plentyfull. Some I’ll keep to myself. Others I’ll post some other time. All-in-all, it was a sad day when Roxy closed. I will never forget “her”.

chevygirl on September 2, 2002 at 8:40 am

It breaks my heart to see Parramatta’s Roxy Theatre close as a cinema. It is truly an enchanting venue in which to experience the magic of the movies, and it is very sad to think that it now sits empty. I hope the ‘jewel of Parramatta’ will be given the chance to shine once again.

JohnAdey on May 18, 2002 at 8:10 pm

The Roxy at Parramatta closed as a cinema on March 27, 2002 after 72 years as a cinema.

The building has been sold to a Sydney developer who was not forthcoming (April 2002) about his plans for the jewel of Parramatta. He said that it will continue to operate as an entertainment venue, but it’s too premature to comment on the exact plans.

The building is in need of ‘tender loving care’ because the previous owner (of only a few years) a Hong Kong businessman did not maintain it.

The Roxy is the second cinema in NSW to be classified by the National Trust of Australia.