Auditorio Salvador Brau

1314 Ponce de Leon Avenue,
San Juan 00907

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R8teco on June 26, 2018 at 7:23 pm

It is still open? IS NOT abandoned?

Gaby85 on April 12, 2014 at 10:38 pm

But the building says “Telegrafo” did it have multiple uses?

AGRoura on June 13, 2010 at 9:47 pm

In the late 50s or early 60s, late actor Raúl Dávila, the late Helena Montalbán and Axel Anderson, formed the La Máscara theatre company and performed on this auditoriun during weekends for several years. When Raúl relocated to the US, Montalbàn and Anderson continued with the company. I am not sure if Braulio Castillo was part of the company also.