Carthay Circle Theatre

6316 San Vicente Boulevard,
Los Angeles, CA 90048

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Uploaded on: March 31, 2017

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Carthay Circle Theatre

In the Todd-AO era, the theatre interior was scrubbed of its charm as they worked in the new screen. But the presentation must have been with “Around the World in 80 Days” contract mandating four regular projectionists to cover its two performances each day.

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Comments (2)

terrywade on March 31, 2017 at 5:24 pm

Thanks so much Dallas for showing us the Todd-AO curved screen at the Fox Carthay Circle in Los Angeles.

JimFarris on April 17, 2017 at 1:51 pm

I loved the Carthay Circle so much. Saw the re release of “Gone with the Wind” there and the final film it showed “Shoes of the Fisherman”. In a park like setting… all that history.Now just a facade at Disneyland. It was magnificent.

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