Astro Drive-In

3141 S. Walton Walker Boulevard,
Dallas, TX 75211

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Kenmore on January 30, 2025 at 6:33 pm

Apart from the tip of the northern part of the property, there is no trace of the drive-in remaining.

driveinfan on January 30, 2025 at 5:50 pm

Quite a bit of new construction started in 2024 on the property.

jwmovies on November 3, 2022 at 3:48 pm

FYI Screen 3 the little one to the west is now JB Hunt Transport on Duncanville Rd. Parts of the ramps of the other two acreens can be seen via Google Maps.

davidcoppock on January 6, 2021 at 3:33 pm

Opened as 3 screens on 16/8/1968 on screen 1 with “Goodbye Columbus” and “Georgy Girl” and on screen 2 with “The love god?” and “Death of a gunfighter” and on screen 3 with “The valley of Gwangi” and “Dracula rises from the grave”.

davidcoppock on January 6, 2021 at 3:19 pm

Opened on 2/10/1968 on the north screen with “The lost continent” and “The vengeance of she” and on the south screen with “ The detective” and “Come spy with me”.

rivest266 on January 6, 2021 at 3:54 am

October 2nd, 1968 grand opening ad posted. 3rd screen opened on August 16th, 1969.

50sSNIPES on January 6, 2021 at 3:22 am

I Feel Very Guilty On Some Photos I’ve Seen Throughout The Past 3 Years, Hoping The Photo Of A Movie That Featured A Few Scenes, One With The Man Facing The Opposite Direction To Where The Screen Faces Which Was Playing NSS’s On-The-Spot (1964) (Or Some People Called It A Jay Ward Flick-O As I Sometimes Call It), And Another Scene Featuring A Unknown Woody Woodpecker Cartoon (The One With The White Wood Title Card Background From The 1960’s, Not The Brown One From The Early 1970’s). I Darnly Forgot What That Film Is Called Anyway.

These Photos I’ve Discovered Belongs To The Astro, And Yes There Are Several Ones I Have To Look Over With Since It’s A Very Big Hotspot For Films Back Then.

rivest266 on May 16, 2020 at 8:46 pm

The Astro Drive-In opened on August 16th, 1969. Grand opening ad posted.

Randy A Carlisle
Randy A Carlisle on June 4, 2019 at 2:46 am

A sad note.. Richard (Rich) Peterson, who managed the Astro & the Casa Linda Theatre (Dallas Tx) passed away on May 24 2019. Rich was a super nice guy. I first met him during the demolishing of the Astro & closing of the Casa Linda. We’ve stayed in touch on & off ever since. I’m very saddened. Rich battled stage 4 cancer for 13 months, fighting all the way. He was a trouper! Rich will be missed by so many………… R.I.P. my friend.. I’ll remember our IHOP get togethers fondly..

davidcoppock on January 18, 2019 at 8:59 am

Was it known how the fire started?

davidcoppock on January 18, 2019 at 8:59 am

There appears to to be trucks or transportable buildings on the site now? The fences are still there, and possibly the snack bar/bio box building!!?

dansdriveintheater on January 5, 2019 at 9:25 pm

found this video on YouTube about a news report on the demolition of the Astro demolition

Pawnshop on June 27, 2013 at 10:10 pm

I went there to see Terminator 2 just for the experience. The sound was broadcast with a weak FM signal that we could just pick up in the car, and I remember it was so cold out that we had to run the engine for heat a couple of times. I went to the concession stand for a dog and Coke and was a bit disappointed when the girl nuked it for me, but it was still cool. A couple pulled up a few slots over in an early 50’s shoebox Ford and when they got out to smoke a cigarette I noticed he was dressed like James Dean, ducktail and all and she was wearing a poodle skirt. I assumed they were an older couple reliving their youth, but when a car pulled in and swept them with their head lights I noticed the couple could not have been more than 25 years old! They looked like they stepped right out of Rebel Without a Cause. I am sure they were real but that is the sort of thing that might make a guy think he was seeing ghosts. A memorable night and the last Drive-In I attended

jwmovies on September 4, 2012 at 1:30 pm

It is not South Walton Walker, just Walton Walker.

Driveintheatre2001 on January 18, 2012 at 5:16 am

Here’s a few of my photos of the ASTRO Drive In Theatre, right before & after it was demolished. Seen Here: RAC Photography ASTRO DRIVE IN .. ENJOY!

Randy A Carlisle

matt54 on November 23, 2010 at 1:08 am

Address either is wrong, or perhaps google maps has a glitch; at any rate, map link takes you to Walton Walker and Illinois; the Astro was not at this location, it was at Loop 12 (Walton Walker) and Kiest Blvd. (see link to opening night ad, below).

View link

In google maps aerial view, the remains of a three-screen drive-in are clearly visible in the triangle of land formed by Walton Walker on the east, Duncanville Rd. on the west, and Kiest on the south.

Christinada5 on April 10, 2008 at 1:08 am

I remember the Astro as kid growing up in the mid to late 80’s. Actually saw Batman there. A few years ago, after the fire happened, I drove by there only to see 3 huge screens in a deserted field. It looked like something out of a old western movie. I even remember the talk, back at the time about rebuilding. Since I’ve been doing a little research, it also seems to me that the number one reason drive-ins don’t rebuild or reopen is due to the property being too valuable. One would think that with all the state of the art movie theaters that are being built today, creating a drive-in would be no problem. But I guess it’s a matter of economics.

jamestx234 on July 18, 2007 at 2:03 pm

Here are some photos taken during the filming of Norman Rockwell’s “Breaking Home Ties” at The Astro in October 1987. The TV movie stars Jason Robards,Doug McKeon and Local actor Jerry Haynes(Mr Peppermint).Filming took place in and around Dallas and Waxahachie Texas.

texas25th on February 5, 2007 at 2:27 am

This drive in is now gone it was decimated by fire In November of 1998 and later torn down .Randy took these On 2/2/1999 and 2/7/1999 It was located at Kiest, Ledbetter and Duncanville roads

Some fantasic photos of this great drive-in during its final days!

View link

thebrimmmuseum on April 17, 2005 at 7:15 am

new cars have headlights that stay on all the time (or ast least mine does. anyone know how this will work at the drive in today? i’d love to go to the galaxy but would this be a problem?

rivest266 on April 16, 2005 at 2:25 am

This drive-in opened August 2nd, 1969

I have posted the grand opening ad at View link

DriveInTheatre2001 on January 6, 2005 at 7:16 pm

Well, as of Now, They plan to stay open 7 Days a week. Weather Permitting. Keep a Check on there website for updates and so on..

Lets go down to the Lobby
Lets go down to the Lobby
Lets go down to the Lobby….
To get ourselves a Treat.!!
Come on out to The Galaxy Drive In Theatre. 2 Movies for the Price on ONE.!!

Randy Carlisle

thebrimmmuseum on January 6, 2005 at 1:52 pm

randy thank you for the information.ndo you know what their sxchedule is going to be?