Comments from zedcudna

Showing 2 comments

zedcudna commented about Angelika 57 on Apr 15, 2007 at 6:07 pm

Yes, Wanda. Zed signifies “The End.” Music swells, fade to black. House lights come up, and we wonder what did it all means.

zedcudna commented about Angelika 57 on Mar 31, 2007 at 3:29 pm

Right On, Warren! I’ve also found the recent postings here stupid and pointless, and I’ve seen this happen before with this crew. Bryan Killian and his merry band of girlfriend pranksters descended on the message board of my boyfriend’s dog grooming website. They degraded everyone, including my boyfriend’s shitzu. My boyfriend was in tears for a week! Apparently, they get their kicks spreading their lame brand of absurdist humor. The sooner we, as right-thinking members, shun these cretins, the sooner we can get back to trusting the veracity of what we read on the internet. And by the way, you’re not boring, Warren. You’re completely delightful, Darling.